Reflection meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Reflection
As noun : अंगुश्तनुमाई Ex:  he studied his reflection in the mirror
अंतरध्यान Ex:  He is admiring her reflection in the mirror.
Your clothes are often a reflection of your personality.
अक्षविक्षेप Ex:  his trousers had a sharp crease and you could see your reflection in his shoeshine अक्षिविकूणित Ex:  The diversity of cooking worldwide is a reflection of the myriad nutritional अक्षिविक्षेप Ex:  After much reflection अठागुण Ex:  The diversity of cooking worldwide is a reflection of the myriad nutritional अनूकाश Ex:  As a reflection of the city's rapid growing population अपगुण Ex:  He also independently discovered the law of reflection अपराद्धि Ex:  Enki seems to be a reflection of pre-patriarchal times अभिध्यान Ex:  This account is more a reflection of Roman experience of glass production अरोप Ex:  Both primary and secondary reflection rainbows can be observed. अववाद Ex:  As a reflection of excellent performance in spite of bulk अस्त्यान Ex:  Only a trace of reflection nebulosity remains. आगस् Ex:  As a reflection of Niger's increasing population आदीनव Ex:  Following the bombing Churchill stated in a top secret telegram: On reflection आरोप Ex:  Newton's theory could be used to predict the reflection of light उ:   बाद में इन्हे सभी आरोप से मुक्त कर दिया गया। आर्ति Ex:  Following much reflection the following day and night about what he learned इत्तिहाम Ex:  A moment's reflection was enough to decide कटाक्ष Ex:  After reflection on this matter उ:   असुर उनके कटाक्ष से ऐसे मदहोश हुये कि अमृत पीना ही भूल गये। कटाख Ex:  All things considered, Upon reflection कर्कराटु Ex:  at leisure, with reflection काक्ष Ex:  At random, purposeless, without reflection कारिखी Ex:  Caustic reflection कुचरचा Ex:  concentrate the reflection कुजस Ex:  Doing thoughts, self apart reflection कुफर Ex:  He did this lack of reflection कुलाधि Ex:  He said he was an optical instrument, either reflection or refraction, used to observe distant objects कृफुर Ex:  He said of the Sons of light, heat, and it means Forwarding, reflection खुटपन, खुटपना Ex:  His reputation is a reflection, a pale reflection of the glory of his father चिंतन Ex:  In a spherical mirror of small dimensions, a fireplace is a point through which pass after reflection light rays or heat in parallel axis of this mirror उ:   दुर्ख़ाइम का चिंतन गहरे अर्थ में आधुनिक था। चिन्तन Ex:  in the manner of a blind without lights or without reflection उ:   अतः तू रश्मियों का भेदरूप से चिन्तन कर । छँह Ex:  In this general sense, it is often taken for Spirit reflection छाँई Ex:  Inside Movement is natural to animals and makes them act without the aid of reflection to perform acts consistent with their species and adapted to their needs छाया Ex:  It is also said Mature judgment, reflection उ:   अधिकांश छाया में उपजते हैं। छायात्मा Ex:  It is incapable of reflection छावँ Ex:  It is said in the same meaning: This thought, this speech, this reflection is not in his place छाहर Ex:  Large Brilliant formed by expansion, by the reflection of light छिद्रता Ex:  moral reflection जरायमपेशा Ex:  Note, misanthropic reflection झरकपु Ex:  Phenomenon due to the curvature of light rays Reflecting on the overheated atmosphere surrounding layers of the soil and often giving the impression of a reflection on a large body of water झलक Ex:  Philosophy Platonic doctrine, variously interpreted and modified in the Middle Ages and in modern times, in which ideas are beings real, whose individual and sentient beings are only the reflection and the image उ:   मेलों में भारतीय संस्कृति की झलक पाई जाती है। झाँई, झाँई Ex:  Physics Pertaining to the effects of light reflection झुँझई Ex:  Physics Who is reflection टिन्नाफिस्स Ex:  reflection angle, which angle according to a radius, a sound is returned by an टुचकारा Ex:  Stale Spirit, Spirit calm, matured by reflection त्रिदोष Ex:  that is said or done without reflection थुक्का Ex:  The reflection of a fabric on another दृष्टिविक्षेप Ex:  The reflection of light rays दोष Ex:  The reflection of poplars in Water उ:   नेआरथ दोष काव्य में एक प्रकार का शब्द दोष है। दोषारोपण Ex:  The refraction, reflection , reverb light धिक्पारुष्य Ex:  The sextants and octants are the reflection instruments ध्या Ex:  The speaker was cut short after reflection and hastened to finish नामधराई Ex:  Thinking, on reflection निंदा Ex:  This furniture receives window curtains a reflection that colors the उ:   इस बात के लिए परवर्ती आचार्य ब्रह्मगुप्त ने इनकी निंदा की है। निंद्या Ex:  This is a great subject for reflection निक्षेप Ex:  This leaves many to think, This is food for much reflection उ:   स्पेन का सीसा निक्षेप २००० ई. पू. से ज्ञात था। निन्दा Ex:  This made me do serious reflection उ:   विधेयक की निन्दा करने हेतु विविध स्थानों पर सभाएँ आयोजित की गई। परछहियाँ Ex:  This man is a reflection of his surroundings, he was influenced by the people around him परछाई Ex:  THOUGHTS means, in terms of literature, a reflection reports that are not linked together उ:   जिसमें त्रिमूर्ति की परछाई को चित्रित किया गया है। परछाहीं Ex:  Who determines who is who speaks or writes of the first movement, without deliberation, without reflection परावर्तन प्रतिबिम्बन Ex:  Who is like the set of a machine, which is produced by one set of organs, without intention or reflection परावर्तन Ex:  Who is without reflection उ:   परावर्तन दूरबीन में परावर्तक दर्पण का विशेष महत्व होता है। प्रतिकाश Ex:  Write aware of the pen , write quickly, without putting much time or reflection प्रतिच्छाया Ex:  , Make a whim, Make thoughtlessly and without reflection unexpected thing and bold उ:   इस आन्दोलन में उसे बोल्शेविक आन्दोलन की प्रतिच्छाया दिखाई देने लगी। प्रतिच्छायिका Ex:  , says that the development of those of intelligence and habit of reflection have enabled to understand the existence of Divinity, the need for order, justice, etc प्रतिबिंबन Ex:  , take someone off the cuff, a request to someone without giving him time for reflection प्रतिबिम्ब Ex:  , The first movement is always good, It is generally well guided by the natural pulse preceding reflection उ:   अमेरिकी जीवन का यह ‘वाद’ प्रतिबिम्ब है। प्रतिबेंबु ‡ Ex:  , This is a warning from heaven, said of an event that should bring to serious reflection प्रतिसंक्रम Ex:  Rayon incident Whoever falls on a point of reflection or refraction प्रतीकाश प्रध्यान फूटरा बिद्दत भंगील भ्रूनिक्षेप भ्रूपात मार्तड़वल्लभा म्लानि लछण लोचनांचल लोही ‡ वकीअत ववर्ण विकूणन विनीय विरुक्षण व्यधिक्षेप व्यपकर्ष व्यवक्रोशन व्याघुटन शालीनीकरण शेड सचित्क समतिक्रांत समालोक सामि सूर्यपत्नी स्मृतिकथा हति हिजा हृणिया, हृणीया हृल्लेख
Other : गहन चिन्तन Ex:  If ADVISE OF Making reflection means something that we don ' had not thought चिंता Ex:  In both of these expressions, it is used figuratively in common parlance and in a derogatory meaning Who is superficial sense, which was done without careful consideration, without sufficient reflection उ:   सिंचाई व्यवस्था को लेकर भी आयोग ने चिंता जताई थी। चित्त Ex:  In terms of Navy, reflection instruments, instruments which are astronomical uses to take the height of the stars above the horizon उ:   इसमें चित्त की भूमियों या वृत्तियों का भी विवेचन है। छाँव Ex:  It also means Consider, be careful, do reflection उ:   वहाँ की धूप में जब-जब झुलसा, छाँव के लिये इस ओर भागा। छाँह Ex:  It is a pearl says ironically a password, a particularly annoying reflection or ridiculous उ:   छाँह में अच्छे पौधे नहीं उगते। झलकी Ex:  Physical Property of a reflection body capable परछाईं Ex:  weakened reflection of light, the color, the image of a body on another प्रतिवर्तन Ex:  de copper piece Navy used to various checks or corrections reflection instruments, particularly the circle फलन उ:   एक प्रतिफल दर के लिए जिसका फलन शुन्य है, वो आतंरिक प्रतिफल दर है। बिंब उ:   ये रेखाएँ वास्तव में रेखाछिद्र स्रोत का विवर्तन बिंब होती हैं। बिम्ब उ:   कहानियों में शब्द योजना छन्दमय तथा बिम्ब भरपूर होते हैं। विचार उ:   विचार तो विचारों को काटते हैं। विमर्श उ:   इसमें कुल तीन विमर्श हैं। सोच उ:   हाड़ी रानी पत्र को पढ़कर सोच में पड़ गयीं।
Reflection ki paribhasha : kisi vyakti ya vastu ka doshakathan prakaash ka abhaav jo usaki kiranon ke vyavadhaan ke kaaran kisi sthaan par hota hai prakaash ke maarg men padnevaale kisi pind ka aakaar jo prakaash se bhinn disha ki or chhaaya ya andhakaar ke roop men padta hai jain darshan ke anusaar grnthon ka doharaana mitti patthar aadi ki bani hui moorti kisi baat ko baar baar man men laane ki kriya phenkane ya dalane ki kriya ya bhaav
Usage of Reflection in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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