Meaning of (निक्षेप) nikshep in english

As noun : reflection Ex:  This leaves many to think, This is food for much reflection उ:   स्पेन का सीसा निक्षेप २००० ई. पू. से ज्ञात था।
pawn Ex:  He played better than me, he gives me a pawn उ:   यहाँ जो निक्षेप बहुत विस्तृत हैं। deposition Ex:  With the deposition of Saddam Hussein's regime उ:   इसमें ज्वालामुखी धूलि के निक्षेप भी मिलते हैं। deposit Ex:  It also means Gage or sum that the laws require some people to deposit as a guarantee of responsibility to which they are subjected उ:   पिचब्लैंड अयस्क के मुख्य निक्षेप कांगो, अफ्रीका तथा कनाडा में हैं।
Other : throwing Ex:  The French reacted by throwing the new government into prison. उ:   भारत में प्राकृतिक गंधक का कोई भी विशाल निक्षेप नहीं है। depositing Ex:  He also said the place where, in railway stations, depositing luggage at the start, until they are shipped on arrival, until they are claimed उ:   जलोढ़ निक्षेप की अधकतम गहराई १००० से २००० मीटर है। trust Ex:  God never abandons those who trust in him उ:   पवन द्वारा उडाई गई धूलो के निक्षेप से निर्मित जमाव को लोयस कहते हैं। diluvion उ:   इस नमक निक्षेप पर पर्याप्त लंबे समय से खननकार्य होता चला आ रहा है।
Suggested : to propel or cast in any way, especially to project or propel from the hand by a sudden forward motion or straightening of the arm and wrist to place for safekeeping or in trust, especially in a bank account removal from an office or position to deposit as security, as for money borrowed, especially with a pawnbroker the act of reflecting or the state of being reflected
Exampleनिक्षेप का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of निक्षेप:
1. मनीष, निक्षेप सेमीफाइनल में जबकि सिमरन हारी LiveHindustan
(निक्षेप) nikshep can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : nikShepa

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