Speedily meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Speedily
As adverb :
अफरा तफरी Ex:  England will speedily be enabled to draw from her colony of New South Wales उतायली Ex:  Dmitriy speedily captured Karachev, Bryansk and other towns. ओताल Ex:  Assign someone speedily चँड़ाई Ex:  Overnight, Very speedily चटपट Ex:  , The paris are open is said about an uncertain affair, on which there are different opinions and which must decide speedily चढ़पट जल्दी उ:   इसलिए इसमें जल्दी से आरक्षण नहीं मिल पाता। जूद तातो ताबल तुराव रवारवी शीघ्रीय शु शैघ्र, शैघ्य्र सौँकेरे ‡ हलभली हाथाहाथी
Other : शीघ्र उ:   शीघ्र ही इसके बुरे नतीजे सामने आने लगे।
Usage of Speedily in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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