Meaning of (शीघ्रीय) sheeghreeya in english

As noun : sooner rather than later
haste hurry fast Ex:  Like in other Western societies, fast food restaurants are widespread. in good time speed Ex:  FAST is adverb and means quickly with speed directly Ex:  The Saint Paul River lies directly North of the city. chop chop crisp savage crushing Ex:  The crushing weight of Affairs retentive deep Ex:  It is figuratively called Everything injured deep soul sharp Ex:  , is used figuratively with the value of an adjective and told a joke or a sharp critic and lasts clear Ex:  This is unlikely to be concise, we must be clear keen sound Ex:  Hearing the gun, the sound of bells extreme Ex:  be between life and death, being in extreme peril, either by disease or by some other accident yare
As verb : piercing frequent Ex:  From Cosmos and his frequent appearances on The Tonight Show
As adjective : early Ex:  Following early struggles hasty intense Ex:  In the following period of intense rivalry intensive exquisite fierce severe Ex:  He took a severe tone, to speak sternly to him hot Ex:  The hot population is believed to have formed near Jupiter violent Ex:  57.2 violent deaths per every 100,000 people. vehement bright Ex:  The speech stung, the has piqued until bright loud Ex:  Who talks a lot and very loud and inappropriately
As adverb : promptly Ex:  It means figuratively and familiarly Do one thing promptly or Action pronto soon Ex:  This was soon followed by a new coup, by Col. speedily
Suggested : moving or acting with haste speedy quick hurried to move, proceed, or act with haste (often followed by up ) swiftness of motion speed celerity in or during the first part of a period of time, a course of action, a series of events, etc done, performed, delivered, etc, at once or without delay
Exampleशीघ्रीय का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(शीघ्रीय) sheeghreeya can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : shiighriiya

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