abrupt meaning in tamil
Word: abrupt - The english word have 6 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of adjectivein english.
Meaning of abrupt in english - rude or brief in manner, happening suddenly and unexpectedly
blunt brusque crude crusty curt direct discourteous gruff impetuous impolite matter-of-fact rough short snappy snippy uncivil ungracious surprising hasty precipitous unforeseen hurried quick jerky precipitate rushing unceremoniouskind deliberate gradual leisurely calm nice at ease expansive lazy expected
Meaning of abrupt in english - rude or brief in manner, happening suddenly and unexpectedly
Identical words :
abrupt or crabbed answer - kuṟukkati ( குறுக்கடி )
Synonyms of abrupt
Antonyms of abrupt
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