brush meaning in tamil

Word: brush - The english word have 5 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of brush in english - tool with bristles for cleaning, fight, scrappy bushes, touch lightly, clean, prepare by whisking

Meanings in tamil :

mayirkkaruvi ( மயிர்க்கருவி )

Identical words :

Synonyms of brush

broom mop toothbrush sweeper besom polisher hairbrush waxer run-in tussle clash rub engagement conflict fracas skirmish tap encounter confrontation set-to thicket scrub shrubbery undergrowth grove cover coppice hedge copse dingle sedge underwood brushwood fern gorse bracken spinney chaparral boscage shave flick smooth scrape caress skim kiss tickle graze contact stroke glance wash wipe paint

Antonyms of brush

surrender calm lot agreement harmony peace
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