bug meaning in tamil

Word: bug - The english word have 3 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of bug in english - bacterium, microorganism, insect, obsession, computer glitch, bother, disturb, listen to without permission

Meanings in tamil :

mukattuppuchchi ( முகட்டுப்பூச்சி )
மூட்டைப் பூச்சி

Identical words :

As noun :
bugbear - puchchanti ( பூச்சாண்டி )
bug bear - ummanti ( உம்மாண்டி )
bugs - uṟttai ( உறட்டை )

Synonyms of bug

microbe virus disease infection germ bacillus pest vermin louse ant flea beetle gnat cootie rage zeal mania craze enthusiasm fad breakdown flaw defect failure error trouble problem fault hitch computer malfunction something wrong annoy harass pester irk irritate chafe needle vex nettle plague abrade gall provoke badger get on someone spy tap eavesdrop wiretap overhear

Antonyms of bug

apathy indifference lethargy perfection advantage strength benefit aid soothe assist delight make happy please help
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