brutish meaning in telugu

Word: brutish
Meaning of brutish in english - animal, barbarous, beastly, brutal, coarse, cruel, devilish, ferocious, fiendish, fierce, hardhearted, indelicate, mindless, primitive, rude, savage, uncivilized, unthinking, unrefined, bestial, ogreish, Philistine, satanical

Meanings in telugu :

moorkhamu ( మూర్ఖము )

Synonyms of brutish

natural bodily wild brute corporeal earthly earthy feral fleshy muscular physical sensual untamed mammalian zoological vulgar atrocious ruthless inhuman vicious barbaric heartless unsophisticated sadistic barbarian ignorant monstrous rough truculent uncouth uncultured wicked inhumane wolfish abominable base boorish carnal degraded depraved disgusting foul gluttonous gross irrational loathsome low obscene prurient repulsive unclean vile piggish ferine swinish unfeeling bearish gruff ribald off-color raw dirty crude scatological nasty bawdy crass blue cheap common filthy immodest impolite improper impure inelegant loutish mean offensive raffish raunchy roughneck smutty tacky uncultivated foul-mouthed incult lowbred lowdown and dirty vulgarian harsh callous cold-blooded bitter merciless tyrannical hateful unkind spiteful painful relentless bloodthirsty degenerate excruciating flinty hellish implacable inexorable malevolent pernicious poignant revengeful sinful unnatural unrelenting virulent rancorous demoniac hard-hearted demonic diabolical accursed bad damnable detestable execrable infernal iniquitous nefarious serpentine unhallowed villainous Mephistophelian cloven-footed hellborn murderous vehement frightful voracious ravenous fell grim lupine pitiless predatory rapacious unmerciful unrestrained sanguinary ravening tigerish malicious demonical passionate bold stormy raging dangerous powerful intense angry fiery cutthroat furious strong terrible ape awful blustery boisterous enraged frightening horrible impetuous infuriated malign raving tempestuous threatening tumultous/tumultuous uncontrollable venomous flipped howling hard-boiled indifferent insensitive intolerant obdurate stony uncaring unemotional unsympathetic uncompassionate coldhearted indecorous brash callow embarrassing indecent lewd outrageous risqué suggestive tasteless unbecoming unseemly untoward unblushing untactful silly thoughtless senseless foolish gratuitous unmindful forgetful asinine careless daydreaming heedless idiotic inattentive moronic neglectful negligent obtuse simple unaware unintelligent witless imbecilic moony spaced-out mooning nitwitted out of it naive rudimentary underdeveloped undeveloped austere childlike unlearned untaught untrained undomesticated atavistic nonliterate preliterate untutored vestigial insulting abusive surly intrusive blunt abrupt brusque cheeky churlish curt discourteous graceless illiterate impertinent impudent inconsiderate insolent offhand peremptory scurrilous short uneducated ungracious unmannerly unpolished crabbed bad-mannered bloody violent destructive crazed frantic rabid remorseless disrespectful unconscionable rugged uncontrolled ungodly unholy philistine unmannered ill-bred mannerless feckless impulsive inadvertent instinctive mechanical oblivious selfish tactless unconscious unheeding unpremeditated unwise vacant undiplomatic unintended unmeant blundering napping unreasoning troglodytic

Antonyms of brutish

gentle mild inoffensive polite kind compassionate considerate merciful humane cultured civilized educated nice refined polished sophisticated sympathetic feeling good superior generous pleasant chaste moral happy clean decent pure upright delicate smooth soft pleasing friendly helpful easy giving charitable thoughtful uncruel angelic godlike satisfied nonviolent calm tame innocent tender indifferent uncaring apathetic meek peaceful cold cool dull weak quiet moderate unthreatening unpassionate softhearted warm sensible wise mindful intelligent serious reasonable attentive thinking mature experienced developed current modern new present mannerly respectful gradual exact domesticated benign courteous careful cautious honest healthy gay noble

Related English Telugu Meaning

bubble upbubblebubbling noisebucket fbucketbucklebucklerbud of the chrysanthemumbudbuddedbuddhismbuddhistbuddingbudgetbudhalf opened flowerbuffalo which gives milk after her calf is deadbuffalobuffonbuffoonbug with wing covers like shells
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