comfort meaning in telugu
Word: comfort
Meaning of comfort in english - good feeling, ease, aid, help, make to feel better
amenity contentment enjoyment satisfaction convenience well-being luxury relaxation pleasure warmth happiness relief abundance assuagement complacency alleviation peacefulness sufficiency quiet repose poise facility cheer exhilaration succor gratification plenty opulence rest cheerfulness bed of roses creature comforts snugness restfulness coziness solace compassion encouragement sympathy consolation pity support assist hand compensation lift secours delight console relieve reassure refresh soothe hearten strengthen salve soften stroke revitalize ameliorate allay bolster compose uphold confirm enliven revive upraise abate condole sustain calm gladden reanimate divert nourish sympathize free remedy inspirit mitigate invigorate alleviate buck up commiserate with grant respite lighten burden make well put at easeinconvenience discontent displeasure dissatisfaction sadness sorrow woe lack agitation upset worry bother botheration exasperation torment torture hindrance hurt injury misery unhappiness need want gloom pain depression aggravation annoyance distress irritation indifference mercilessness discouragement stop dispirit dishearten dissuade bring down block harm hinder injure obstruct worsen weaken intensify destroy anger excite contradict enervate increase suppress disapprove exasperate vex trouble agitate irritate oppose bore dull magnify neglect aggravatecomfortedcomfortingcoming backcoming downcoming togethercomingcommand an instructioncommandcommandedcommemoration anniversarycommencecommencement of cultivationcommencementcommendcommendationcommendedcommentcommentary explanatory of hard passages alonecommentary oncommentarycommentary
Meanings in telugu :
haayi ( హాయి )
Identical words :
comforting - oorat ( ఊరట )
comforted - dritamu ( దృతము )
comforted - dritamu ( దృతము )
Synonyms of comfort
Antonyms of comfort
Related English Telugu Meaning
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