durable meaning in telugu

Word: durable
Meaning of durable in english - sturdy, long-lasting

Meanings in telugu :

akshay ( అక్షయ )

Synonyms of durable

tenacious reliable permanent dependable enduring stable strong abiding constant fast firm fixed impervious persistent resistant sound stout substantial tough perdurable diuturnal long-continued

Antonyms of durable

irresponsible unreliable ephemeral temporary fragile impermanent undependable weak poorly made

Related English Telugu Meaning

duration of lifedurgaduskydust in the balancedust made by insectsdust with which boxers cover the flodustduty of the reciter of the rig-veda atsacrificeduty ofmilitary mandutydwaita sect of vishnu worshippers who adore hanuman as the one god and look upon vyasa as their prophetdwarfdwarfeddwarfishdwelldwellerdwelling in heaven with goddwelling indwelling placedwelling-house
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