entirety meaning in telugu

Word: entirety
Meaning of entirety in english - wholeness, whole

Meanings in telugu :

saakalyamu ( సాకల్యము )

Synonyms of entirety

gross completeness fullness plenitude sum oneness unity complex perfection totality aggregate integrity ensemble all everything sum total absoluteness integrality universality comprehensiveness intactness entireness allness collectiveness collectivity omneity omnitude the works undividedness whole ball of wax whole bit whole enchilada

Antonyms of entirety

partiality section incompleteness

Related English Telugu Meaning

entrailentrance intohouseentranceentreatentreatyentrustentrustedentwineenvelopenvelopeenvoyenvyepauletepauletteepidemicepileptic fitepistleepithet of brahmaepithet of buddhaepithet of cupid
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