flicker meaning in telugu

Word: flicker
Meaning of flicker in english - spark, glimmer, sparkle, flutter

Meanings in telugu :

kadalukonu ( కడలుకొను )

Identical words :

flickering noise made byflame - reparep ( రెపరెప )

Synonyms of flicker

gleam quivering oscillation twinkle flare flash beam vibration scintillation ray hover waver flit tremble shimmer blink glint blare glitter glow flitter dance burn quaver vibrate blaze swing scintillate glance fluctuate

Antonyms of flicker


Related English Telugu Meaning

flickering noise made byflameflight from home fflight in the airflightflingflintflirtfloat of timberfloat used in anglingfloatflock of birdsflock of cuckoosflock of parrotsflock of sheepflock ofhundred sheepflockfloodflop downflounder to mouthflour and sugar
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