marbled meaning in telugu

Word: marbled
Meaning of marbled in english - mottled, multicolored, polychromatic, polychrome, polychromic, polychromous, varicolored, versicolor, versicolored, spot, streak, striate, variegate

Meanings in telugu :

gairikamu ( గైరికము )

Synonyms of marbled

streaked spotted checkered motley variegated dappled blotchy piebald tabby flecked maculate freckled pied skewbald kaleidoscopic speckled particolored prismatic veined stipple soil splotch tarnish splash stud spatter pimple sully stripe besmirch taint dirty marble dot pepper bespatter smear daub band slash

Antonyms of marbled

plain unflecked monochrome clean overlook

Related English Telugu Meaning

marchmarchingmaremarginmargosa treemargosamark of marriagemark which it producesmark worn on the foreheadmarkmarkedmarket townmarketmarking nutmarkingmarks of age in the facemaroon-backed kitemarriage portionmarriagemarried to arjuna
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