Won meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Won
As noun : उज्जित Ex:  Madhya Pradesh won the zonal matches of the Ranji Trophy tournament.
कंतरि Ex:  He consecutively won all his matches. खात्र Ex:  He won four silvers for his state. गहिन Ex:  woot! finally we won the match. जित Ex:  He won the mens 100 metres freestyle. उ:   उन्होने पाँच राष्ट्रिय तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय अवार्ड जित चुकी हे । जीता हुआ Ex:  Tagore won the Nobel Prize for literature. दश्त Ex:  He won a marathon legal battle. नीध्न Ex:  Prudently he won the match. प्रतिनिर्जित Ex:  We cheered them on, and they won . बनपाल Ex:  India won the Cricket World Cup in 1983 बिछाव Ex:  India won the Asia Cup and in 1985 वन Ex:  India won the first-ever Twenty20 World Cup held in South Africa उ:   वन में बुढ़ापे के कारण उसकी मृत्यु हो गयी। स्पृत Ex:  The Women's Asia Cup of 2005–06 was won by India
Won ki paribhasha : tamasa naamak yajnapaatr jo kaath ka hota tha
Usage of Won in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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