Meaning of (खात्र) khatra in english

As noun : excavator
hoe spade yarn Ex:  hole of a needle by which the yarn thread Ex:  Arts preparing, by a laundry, thread or silk to receive the dye jungle Ex:  In the short-range jungle fighting woods Ex:  The deer rose up and darted off into the woods . forest Ex:  Joe buried the money under a stone in the forest . wood Ex:  I think I am well at last—knock on wood . wild Ex:  Carolina chickadees, Red-tailed Hawks, and wild turkeys. thicket Ex:  Enter, enter the thicket of the forest, or, certainly, in the thicket bush Ex:  Outdoor parties include bush parties and beach parties. timber Ex:  Natural resources include timber won Ex:  He won four silvers for his state. timberland backwoods apprehension Ex:  The simple apprehension is the first operation of the mind creep funk Ex:  Rifle Sport and Breaking Circus who mixed funk fright Ex:  fright Tremble threat Ex:  To protect the eastern areas of the Empire from the Parthian threat phobia scare Ex:  Lieutenant Ted Tuttle, to the beach to scare up a replacement flag. fear Ex:  I'll help you, never fear . phobic neurosis jeopardy phobic disorder fearfulness terror Ex:  The two major sites of the Red terror were Toijala and Kouvola scared Ex:  She scared me to death when she screamed . apprehension Ex:  The simple apprehension is the first operation of the mind horror Ex:  I recoiled from the horror and slammed the door . dread threat Ex:  To protect the eastern areas of the Empire from the Parthian threat heebie jeebies timorousness timidity
As verb : fear Ex:  I'll help you, never fear .
Suggested : a fine cord of flax, cotton, or other fibrous material spun out to considerable length, especially when composed of two or more filaments twisted together thread made of natural or synthetic fibers and used for knitting and weaving a tool for digging, having an iron blade adapted for pressing into the ground with the foot and a long handle commonly with a grip or crosspiece at the top, and with the blade usually narrower and flatter than that of a shovel a long-handled implement having a thin, flat blade usually set transversely, used to break up the surface of the ground, destroy weeds, etc a person or thing that excavates
Exampleखात्र का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(खात्र) khatra can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : khaatra

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