Wrapped meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Wrapped
As noun : डूबा Ex:  She is just too wrapped up . उ:   भोग-विलास में डूबा हुआ यह शहर राजनीतिक-सामाजिक चेतना से शून्य है।
As verb :
आच्छादित Ex:  gaily wrapped gifts उ:   उनकी पीठ पर काले बाल उन्हें ऊपर से आच्छादित करते है। आछादित Ex:  The gifts were wrapped and kept on the table. निभृत Ex:  Principal photography wrapped on March 171954. At Luft's suggestion पराइण Ex:  Traditionally, the strings were wrapped around the goose feet 『』 परिवृत Ex:  Architecture and Painting Ornate carved or painted, composed of branches laden with leaves wrapped परिस्तीर्ण Ex:  Her hair was wrapped in a silk net पर्यावृत Ex:  If PACKING mean figuratively, speaking of people, carefully wrapped in पिन्निय Ex:  If wrapped in a domino प्रतिवीत Ex:  It also says that the linen is wrapped infants प्रत्यूढ Ex:  It said, in terms of architecture, Any party more or less gross and massive that is wrapped with a coating बिंटना Ex:  It was wrapped amiss in this case भक्तिप्रवण Ex:  Joining several things tied or wrapped all लतावेष्टित Ex:  Kitchen Mets cut composed of members of roasted poultry and wrapped in a sauce and then in a frozen लालस Ex:  PAPILLOTE in terms of Candy, means a sugar or chocolate sugar plum wrapped in a piece of paper लिपटा हुआ Ex:  Piece of paper which is wrapped the hair that is put in loops to hold them curly लीन Ex:  Speak in a manner wrapped उ:   वायु ही इन सब जलों को अपने में लीन कर लेता है । वितत Ex:  To provide something of what the envelope or wrapped Deploy a thing folded विनिमग्न Ex:  , in which they are held; in terms of Clocks, Little cone, spiral fluted, around which is wrapped the chain of a watch, when the run; वेष्टित Ex:  , wrapped Reasoning, Reasoning obscure, embarrassed व्यावृत Ex:  , wrapped Speech, Speech where, for caution, the more one suggests that says संतृण्ण Ex:  The reptile wrapped her folds सेवाभिरत
Other : परिवेष्टन Ex:  He found wrapped in this bankrupt in this collapse in the disaster
Wrapped ki paribhasha : nadi ya parakote aadi se chaaron or se ghira hua apane roop ka tyaag karake mila hua
Usage of Wrapped in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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