Meaning of (वितत) vitata in english

As noun : inclusive
intimate Ex:  Who is conscious, intimate knowledge and, therefore, the responsibility for what he does specific Ex:  Particular substances have been linked to specific types of cancer. detailed Ex:  He provides a detailed record of meetings full sized large Ex:  Melbourne and other large cities are located in this temperate region. broad particular Ex:  The Cape Winelands and in particular the towns of Stellenbosch disseminating scattering spreading Ex:  Employee absolutely it means spreading of the goods diffusive diffusing disseminative rectangle Ex:  If the sides of a rectangle are measured as 1.23 meters and 4.56 meters giant Ex:  If it is indeed possible that a gas giant could form as a star does mammoth colossal roomy great Ex:  "winding river", or "river of the great bend". walk in infinite Ex:  An infinite variety of items roomy wealthy Ex:  Biblical narratives represent Abraham as a wealthy upscale solvent Ex:  Caution and good solvent draped covered Ex:  France, where Hemingway covered the Greco-Turkish War for the Toronto Star. clothed Ex:  The title, power, dignity he is clothed mantled shaded cloaked overcast
As verb : scattered Ex:  There are also scattered but significant, plains along the southern coast. completed Ex:  Die Meistersinger was completed at Tribschen in 1867 accomplished Ex:  Hingis was born to accomplished tennis players: a Czech mother overgrown wreathe sheathed wrapped Ex:  To provide something of what the envelope or wrapped Deploy a thing folded continued Ex:  Work began in 1718 and continued for ten years.
As adjective : comprehensive Ex:  Taipei Main Station serves as the comprehensive hub for bus transportation उ:   प्राचीन काल से ही वितत भिन्नों का उपयोग किया जा रहा है। extensive Ex:  The film is notable for its extensive use of rotoscoping expansive spacious full scale wide Ex:  Jamaica has a wide variety of industrial and commercial activities. wide ranging full size diffuse broad messy Ex:  , Foraging in papers, papers Search in messy putting dispersive outspread outstretched immense Ex:  He said again, figuratively, of All the things that cause expenses, sacrifices and immense losses huge Ex:  Egypt has huge reserves of gas enormous proud Ex:  The youth then made the proud massive Ex:  Despite massive population changes in the state from 1901 to 1961 gargantuan big Ex:  Do More to do what wood arrow, Do More to use any means or be in a big necessity, learn more how to survive large Ex:  Melbourne and other large cities are located in this temperate region. stately vast Ex:  The United States has vast economic capacious commodious voluminous widespread Ex:  None of these have widespread support. spread over Ex:  Finland has a population of 5,302,778 people, spread over an area of . circumstantial extensive Ex:  The film is notable for its extensive use of rotoscoping wide Ex:  Jamaica has a wide variety of industrial and commercial activities. done Ex:  Marriages in India are done bodingly. clad
As adverb : about Ex:  Hungarians constituting about 90% of the population
Other : extended Ex:  The name in the Middle Ages was extended to Hayastan spread out Ex:  These tend to also start and spread out from a point. drawn (as a bow-string stretch magnitude
Suggested : having a wide range or extent comprehensive extensive associated in close personal relations of great extent wide broad including the stated limit or extremes in consideration or account of large scope covering or involving much inclusive
Exampleवितत का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(वितत) vitata can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : vitata

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