What is another word for Blah in english

The list of words which can be used for Blah while creating sentence in english language. pedestrian boring tedious, mundane, monotonous, stodgy, humdrum, tiring, dull humdrum tedious, mundane, monotonous, dreary, drab, uninteresting monotone tedium, dreariness, humdrum, flatness, dryness, sameness bland tedious, watery, insipid, boring, wishy-washy, tame, banal dim dingy, lackluster, murky, shadowy, faint, cloudy, gloomy dreary tedious, dingy, wretched, lonely, humdrum, monotonous monotonous tedious, repetitious, boring, repetitive, dreary, humdrum plodding banausic yawn producing 
Usage of Blah in sentences
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