Meaning of anadar karna in english

Interpreting anadar karna - अनादर करना
As noun : slight Ex:  The deer gave a slight twitch after the blow.
As verb :
violate Ex:  3The assertion that the other group has committed acts which violate morality profane Ex:  He was found guilty of being a profane person. degrade Ex:  One such yeast Yarrowia lipolytica is known to degrade palm oil mill effluent desecrate Ex:  desecrate means figuratively Make misuse which is rare, valuable, respectable, degrade, treat him too little respect
Other : undervalue
Suggested : to value below the real worth put too low a value on small in amount, degree, etc to divest of sacred or hallowed character or office characterized by irreverence or contempt for God or sacred principles or things irreligious to break , infringe, or transgress (a law, rule, agreement, promise, instructions, etc)
Exampleअनादर करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of anadar karna Antonyms of anadar karna

Word of the day
anadar karna can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : anaadara karanaa

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