Meaning of (अड़भंगी) adbhngee in english

As noun : arduous Ex:  Due to the arduous terrain, localities where vehicles are of little use remain.
tough Ex:  In spite of tough competition in soap market, they succeeded in promoting their product. trick Ex:  She hardly ever misses a trick . uphill rough Ex:  Rasp off the rough edges of the table top. nice Ex:  they had a nice stay in Paris stinker heavy going tense Ex:  It was a tense moment, filled with the confusion of the conflict. unreachable Ex:  Since it is in place, it became unreachable
As verb : complicated Ex:  Leadership was not a complicated affair.
As adjective : stiff Ex:  The play bored me stiff . painful Ex:  they tried to deal with this painful subject jocularly abstruse Ex:  This philosopher seemed abstruse strong hard Ex:  Ebony is a hard black wood. cold Ex:  She regularly applies the cold cream in winter. severe Ex:  He received severe burns in the fire. sticky Ex:  My fortune is undergoing a sticky situation. hairy Ex:  By analogy, hairy Comet, Comet whose round bright nucleus and appears surrounded by a halo of light diffuse, the common opinion likened to a hair difficult Ex:  it was a difficult climb to the top sclerotic dodgy torrid Ex:  Astronomical Geography Inhabitants of the torrid zone, that their shadows sometimes directed towards the south, sometimes north, following the sun is north or south of the equator tight Ex:  He slackened the tight belt round his waist. unapproachable impassable Ex:  He crossed the Apennines and the seemingly impassable Arno without opposition unpassable Ex:  streets unpassable because of piles of unmelted snow
Suggested : affected with, causing, or characterized by pain strong and durable not easily broken or cut rigid or firm difficult or impossible to bend or flex requiring great exertion laborious difficult composed of elaborately interconnected parts complex
Exampleअड़भंगी का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(अड़भंगी) adbhngee can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : a.Dabh.ngii

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