Hairy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hairy
As noun : डरवना Ex:  The threads of this flower are hairy
रोयेंदार उ:   फल रोयेंदार होते हैं तथा सहपत्रों में ढके रहते हैं।
As adjective : अगह Ex:  Jacob was a hairy man अघोर Ex:  The fruit is a hairy pod that grows in clusters of 3–5 अटपट Ex:  Apple rose hips, hairy outgrowth occurred also on the branches of wild rose, by the bite of an insect अड़बड़ Ex:  Botany Shrub with white flowers and hairy leaves, whose branches are very flexible and bears berries gathered in clusters अड़भंगी Ex:  By analogy, hairy Comet, Comet whose round bright nucleus and appears surrounded by a halo of light diffuse, the common opinion likened to a hair अधघट Ex:  By extension, hairy Gaul, name given by the Romans to the part of Gaul whose inhabitants wore long hair अनहड़ Ex:  Ear-de-mouse or Myosotis, small plant with blue flowers and sometimes white, including a species, hairy leaves, grows at the edge of the water and in moist places कठिन Ex:  For analogy, in terms of Botany, hairy Seed, Seed, which carries a tuft of long hair untied उ:   लेकिन कठिन भी नहीं है। कठेठ, कठेठा Ex:  It also tells of the Party hairy cloth and other fabrics, such as velvet, failure, etc कुढ़ब Ex:  It is hairy as a bear घनेबालोंवाला Ex:  It is said of a clean cloth which by wear becomes hairy चंड़ Ex:  It is sometimes said, as a name, The hairy one root, or simply The hairy थीन Ex:  Feuilles hairy दकीक दुःखछिन्न दुतार दुरुह दुश्वार पोढा़ बेँड़ा मुश्किल उ:   यह बेहद मुश्किल कार्य था, लेकिन फरहाद ने नहर खोदनी शुरू की। मुहाल मोहाल रोयेदार वज्रमय सक्कस सशल्य
Other : झबरा Ex:  Natural History Who is hairy, hairy झमूरा Ex:  Racine hairy बालदार रोएँदार रोमिल
Hairy ki paribhasha : chaaron taraph bikhare aur ghoome hue bade bade baalonvaala
Hairy synonyms
furry shaggy woolly fuzzy hirsute bearded bristly bushy downy fleecy flocculent fluffy rough tufted pilose unshaven bewhiskered lanate pileous piliferous pubescent stubbly unshorn villous scary chancy difficult hazardous perilous risky treacherous uncertain unhealthy unsound wicked jeopardous
Hairy antonyms
hairless smooth bald clean calm safe balding
Usage of Hairy in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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