Meaning of (दुश्वार) dushvara in english

As noun : arduous
tough Ex:  , in a cold liquid to make it tough and elastic trick uphill rough Ex:  Pierre lifted, prehistoric monument, made of rough stones of large size nice Ex:  All great people have said nice things about democracy . stinker heavy going tense insurmountable insuperable
As verb : complicated Ex:  Although the explicit form of the function f looks complicated उ:   अरबी-फारसी लिपि सीखना उनके लिए दुश्वार सा हो गया है।
As adjective : stiff painful Ex:  It has a service painful abstruse hard Ex:  The Komnenian emperors had worked hard since the Battle of Manzikert cold Ex:  In Geneva, the winter is cold and generally a little cloudy. severe Ex:  Other severe floods included those of 1911 which killed around 100,000 sticky hairy difficult Ex:  However, Maradona had a difficult tenure in Barcelona. sclerotic dodgy torrid tight Ex:  It was a tight game, a game Bright unconquerable unsurmountable
Suggested : affected with, causing, or characterized by pain strong and durable not easily broken or cut rigid or firm difficult or impossible to bend or flex requiring great exertion laborious difficult composed of elaborately interconnected parts complex
Exampleदुश्वार का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of दुश्वार:
1. जाम की वजह से कभी-कभी तो पैदल चलना भी दुश्वार हो जाता है bhaskar.com2. बुढ़ापे के सहारे ने ही किया जीना दुश्वार LiveHindustan
(दुश्वार) dushvara can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi . Transliteration : dushvaara

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