Meaning of (दकीक) dakeeka in english

As noun : arduous
tough Ex:  It is also used figuratively and colloquially to describe a stingy and tough Leader company that treats its employees like slaves trick uphill rough Ex:  two kinds Who is rough to the touch, bitter taste nice Ex:  It just depends how it goes, which is a nice change". stinker heavy going tense sophisticated Ex:  Nor did I. One must be sophisticated about such matters in life". mystery Ex:  He followed it with the CBS mystery Hawkins abstruse enigmatical fiendish enigmatic Ex:  enigmatic Sens ulterior
As verb : complicated Ex:  From here the situation becomes more complicated
As adjective : stiff Ex:  This machine is stiff with starch, is too stiff starched, is too firm, too hard, because one took too Starch painful Ex:  Fear, fear, painful emotion produced by the idea or a hazard to abstruse hard Ex:  They were shipped off to Hangzhou and Xiaolingwei to do hard labour. cold Ex:  They can tolerate cold temperatures severe Ex:  1944; six weeks later Gandhi suffered a severe malaria attack. sticky hairy difficult Ex:  The antebellum period was difficult for the Library. sclerotic dodgy torrid tight Ex:  It also said some leather whose grain is beautiful and tight
Suggested : affected with, causing, or characterized by pain strong and durable not easily broken or cut rigid or firm difficult or impossible to bend or flex requiring great exertion laborious difficult composed of elaborately interconnected parts complex
Exampleदकीक का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(दकीक) dakeeka can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi . Transliteration : dakiika

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