Meaning of alanban in english

Interpreting alanban - आलंबन
As noun : mounting Ex:  There is mounting evidence उ:   मधुरा रति के आलंबन विभाव नायकचूडामणि कृष्ण तथा हरिप्रियाएँ हैं।
mount Ex:  Reparse points are used to implement volume mount points उ:   इसमें क्रिस्टी टैंक के समान कमानी युक्त आलंबन की व्यवथा थी।
Other : protector Ex:  Isis gains prominence as the mother / protector of the Pharaoh. maintenance Ex:  The gardener looks after the maintenance of the alleys. foundation Ex:  The foundation of the house are begining to sink. object or person serving as the stimulus of a particular rasa dependence Ex:  The dependence on wheat remained as significant long into medieval era supporter Ex:  As a Republican and avid supporter of Women's Suffrage support Ex:  I didn't have any facts to support it . base Ex:  Top, a GC base pair with three hydrogen bonds. reason Ex:  When reason is difficult you try to intuit. cause Ex:  Streptococcus can cause infections and disease.
ExampleSynonyms of alanban Antonyms of alanban

Word of the day
alanban Transliteration : aala.nbana

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