Meaning of badh jana in english

Interpreting badh jana - बढ़ जाना
As noun : top Ex:  Tel Aviv is home to some of the top sports teams in Israel
put on Ex:  In surgery, Lifting the unit's action to remove the device put on a wound enlarge Ex:  substantively in terms of surgery, a dilator, an instrument which is used to open and expand a wound, to enlarge an opening
Other : to excel to outgo outdo Ex:  They danced to outdo outstrip outclass to outreach to outstrip excel Ex:  I don't know if I would excel at any one of them. to top Ex:  Kolkata is home to top national clubs such as Mohun Bagan surpass Ex:  He believes surpass that artist and he has not even reached exceed Ex:  Again, the maximum temperature can exceed 30 °C in summer. outreach to outdo to surpass to exceed Ex:  The damage was estimated to exceed £2m. to eclipse to surmount surmount overrun Ex:  By the 1970s Howland Island was overrun by a population of feral cats outgo to overrun Ex:  Sheer numbers allowed them to overrun the German forces in France. eclipse Ex:  Determine the time at which an eclipse is to take place
Suggested : to make larger increase in extent, bulk, or quantity add to to make more rapid accelerate hasten to increase the height of make higher to make intense or more intense
Exampleबढ़ जाना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of badh jana Antonyms of badh jana

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Usage of बढ़ जाना:
1. फोबिया मतलब किसी चीज का डर होना और वो डर इतना बढ़ जाना कि डर की वजह से कोई शख्स उस काम को कर ही ना पाएibnlive.com2. फोबिया मतलब किसी चीज का डर होना और वो डर इतना बढ़ जाना कि डर की वजह से कोई शख्स उस काम को कर ही ना पाए
badh jana can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. Transliteration : baDha jaanaa

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