Meaning of (बड़ाल) badala in english

As noun : elder Ex:  The elder Demetrius was the son of Euthydemus I of Bactria
enormous Ex:  The published criticism of James's work has reached enormous proportions. major Ex:  Ottawa's two major universities grave Ex:  Tombstone, one who covers a grave sizable Ex:  Gangtok also has a sizable Christian population ample wide Ex:  Being a moderate-powered cartridge, the wide diameter of the . tidy commodious capital Ex:  The capital city of Saint Lucia is Castries up Ex:  She opened up on Fred with Alice . on the large side roomy on the big side concert Ex:  At an all-star TNT concert in 1999 lump nothing short of senior Ex:  The next-most senior member of the Order is the Great Master broad Ex:  Conter broad jokes large Ex:  Some other large employers include Shaw Communications goodly sizeable Ex:  The areas of Alwoodley and Moortown contain sizeable Jewish populations. full blown tall Ex:  Be high stature, tall block Ex:  Foundry in block letters, or simply Caster characters capacious good Ex:  It's gonna be a good year . better Ex:  Butch Harmon, and was hoping to do better in the future. fat Ex:  A rounded face, A face fat and full vintage divine Ex:  Essence, divine nature noble Ex:  It also said a married woman and born of noble parents' bourgeois high Ex:  Noise levels on the main streets are high
As verb : surpassing
As adjective : spacious excellent Ex:  Sunita is regarded by her teachers as an excellent student . superior Ex:  He said, specifically, that quality that makes them superior minds capable of creating , to invent, to undertake extraordinary things, etc unexceptionable
As adverb : precious Ex:  Keep this precious head
Suggested : of considerable size fairly large an excavation made in the earth in which to bury a dead body a commissioned military officer ranking next below a lieutenant colonel and next above a captain greatly exceeding the common size, extent, etc huge immense of greater age older
Exampleबड़ाल का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(बड़ाल) badala can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi . Transliteration : ba.Daala

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