Meaning of (भख्खना) bhakhkhana in english

As noun : provide Ex:  The Norway and Oakdale Dams near Monticello provide electrical power
bid Ex:  In terms of procedure, Folle bid spell out volunteer raise Ex:  of both genders It is not usual that in speaking of science, art teaches to drive and raise the waters, or machines that are used to this item have it Ex:  From whom did you get this? This is a story I have it on good part, on good authority, from someone knowledgeable phrase Ex:  This device gave origin to the phrase "deus ex machina" call Ex:  In terms of jurisprudence, it means making a call to an estate after another heir, or failing take up with address Ex:  This form of address is employed at formal occasions cry Ex:  The public cry Public opinion, favorable or otherwise talk Ex:  Currently, when we talk speak to Ex:  Go find someone to come find, The visit, to speak to him drop run by Ex:  The Gumm Sisters enrolled in the dance school run by Ethel Meglin run past rap out answer Ex:  The answer must be that the world does not come pre-structured speak up for mention Ex:  Ya'ibika Igzi, did not even mention the Emperor in his 1318/9 land grant.
As verb : say Ex:  Only the chemists spoke out to say it was a good weapon. breathe Ex:  , Do not breathe a word, Speak No Evil advertise utter declare Ex:  774,900 people did not declare any nationality. crack call on observe Ex:  flying Camp, Small army composed mainly of cavalry, which holds the country for shopping at enemies or to observe tell Ex:  The remaining four books of the Torah tell the story of Moses speak Ex:  96% of the people in the country speak Armenian
Suggested : to announce or praise (a product, service, etc) in some public medium of communication in order to induce people to buy or use it to take air, oxygen, etc, into the lungs and expel it inhale and exhale respire to command order direct to make available furnish to utter or pronounce speak
Exampleभख्खना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(भख्खना) bhakhkhana can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : bhakhkhanaa

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