Meaning of (भास्वत्) bhasvat in english

As noun : vibrant Ex:  Many American cities and towns have vibrant music scenes which
shiny Ex:  Who united area and shiny sheeny silver Ex:  A beautiful silver shining light Ex:  Ozawa transferred his flag to the light cruiser Oyodo. sharp Ex:  The jaws of this animal is very sharp teeth army glossy lustrous sun Ex:  The rising sun sheen luster Ex:  It means, figuratively, Parer something of a false luster gloss scintillation glitter twinkle glare luminosity glint lustre sparkle shine flash shininess glimmer brightness flouroscence highlight Ex:  In terms of theater, he specifically uses to signify Action pronounced quickly, without lingering, all secondary parts of a scene, a song, to highlight the key streak iridescence brilliance beam Ex:  This floor collapses, it needs a new beam polish Ex:  , The polish again with the file blaze splendour splendor Ex:  The splendor of the sea under the sun glow hero Ex:  He is seen more as a character model than war hero or founding father. prow valorous heart Ex:  Briseida's change of heart comes after Troilus wounds Diomedes seriously. brave Ex:  Is it to brave me and you talking about? Braver authority stalwart spunky daring stout hearted gallant Ex:  It says in particular Teasing gallant lion Ex:  The mane of a lion
As verb : live Ex:  Sizeable Telugu and Malayalee communities live in the city. glaring glittering warm Ex:  "I have not met with such warm hospitality, comradeship and solidarity". glazed Ex:  glazed earthen pot, or copper, or tin, or silver, etc brave Ex:  Is it to brave me and you talking about? Braver authority spirited
As adjective : resplendent luminous vivid Ex:  They say the same The enemy made a fire vivid bright Ex:  It is said, by extension, for A bright idea designate familiarly an ingenious idea brilliant Ex:  brilliant Qualities satiny cheerful sparkling iridescent shiny Ex:  Who united area and shiny solar refulgent courageous daring bold Ex:  more commonly is said and adverbially bold Talking grasseyer heroic Ex:  It used to be attributed to this plant, this remedy heroic properties valiant plucky martial Ex:  In 1989, SLORC declared martial law after widespread protests. strenuous unflinching manly scrappy
Suggested : to have life , as an organism be alive be capable of vital functions strikingly bright or intense, as color, light, etc bright or glossy in appearance radiating or reflecting light shining bright moving to and fro rapidly vibrating
Exampleभास्वत् का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(भास्वत्) bhasvat can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : bhaasvat

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