Meaning of chaturaee,chaturai in english

Interpreting chaturaee,chaturai - चतुराई
As noun : finesse Ex:  finesse User उ:   इनकी वाणी में चतुराई देखने को मिलती है।
astuteness उ:   कवि अपनी प्रिया को अत्यधिक चतुराई दिखाने के लिए उलाहना भी देता है। knack उ:   वह अपनी चतुराई और बुद्धिमत्ता के लिये बहुत प्रसिद्ध थे। adroitness
Other : skill Ex:  He put the skill to good use as a lawyer dexterity Ex:  Playing the bat, Wield a stick with dexterity or Leave sticks cleverness quickness Ex:  Quickness, agility, quickness dexterity. shrewdness alertness Ex:  , Youth must happens, must be indulgent to the faults alertness and inexperience of youth are committing cunning Ex:  Work done artistically cunning work wisdom Ex:  He forgot his wisdom and the little fellas licked him. workmanship shrewdness
Suggested : skill or adroitness in using the hands or body agility expert or nimble in the use of the hands or body a special skill, talent, or aptitude of keen penetration or discernment sagacious extreme delicacy or subtlety in action, performance, skill, discrimination, taste, etc
Exampleचतुराई का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of chaturaee,chaturai Antonyms of chaturaee,chaturai

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Usage of चतुराई:
1. विरोध का चतुराई से शमन करेंगेibnlive.com2. विपक्ष के अवरोधों को चतुराई से पार करेंगेibnlive.com3. कर्क- विपक्षियों को चतुराई से पीछे हटने मजबूर करेंगेibnlive.comRelated words :
chaturaee,chaturai can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender composed of suffix at the end of the word originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : chaturaaii

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