Meaning of chukana in english

Interpreting chukana - चुकाना
As noun : disburse उ:   आपको इसके लिए वन विभाग द्वारा निर्धारित किया गया शुल्क चुकाना होगा।
pay Ex:  I ended up having to pay for everyone's dinner . उ:   अब उन्हें और किसी प्रकार का कर नहीं चुकाना पड़ता था। tender Ex:  Peas shelled, peas with pod is tender and edible repay Ex:  To repay her loan she has to sell a portion of her land . foot Ex:  Hannibal reportedly entered Gaul with 40,000 foot soldiers and 12,000 horsemen. stump up pay up Ex:  This is a twenty-franc piece, pay up and give me the rest clear Ex:  Despite some clear differences pay out
As verb : redeem Ex:  He gave his blood to redeem us उ:   इतना ही नहीं, भारत को क्वात्रोची का कानून खर्च भी चुकाना पड़ा। pay off Ex:  He returned to America in 1900, having earned enough to pay off his debts. उ:   यहाँ पर इंकार करने पर उसकोअपने जीवन का मूल्य चुकाना पड़ता हे। square up settle Ex:  To prevent further murmurings and settle the matter permanently paid Ex:  Reaserch scholars are being paid in some universities. square Ex:  10,000 students staged a sit-in on Tian'anmen square
Other : difference or dispute to make good (damage or compensation: to to assign Ex:  Nevertheless, some have preferred to assign a single nationality to Copernicus. to exact (payment requital to defray to finish Ex:  Ken urged Lily to finish her dinner . to settle Ex:  El Salvador had agreed on a truce to settle the boundary issue rate Ex:  Missouri's sales tax rate for most items is 4.225 percent. to discharge (a debt to make or to pay (a charge ?? to allot to pay off Ex:  Mälzel was unable to sell the Turk to pay off the debts to complete Ex:  Taking 26 years to complete to fix (as a price to adjust (a law-suit account Ex:  If the administrator's account is broken into wreak serve one out
Suggested : a rectangle having all four sides of equal length to settle (a debt, obligation, etc), as by transferring money or goods, or by doing something to settle (a debt, obligation, etc), as by transferring money or goods, or by doing something to buy or pay off clear by payment to pay out (money), especially for expenses expend
Exampleचुकाना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of chukana Antonyms of chukana

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Usage of चुकाना:
1. वित्त मंत्री अरुण जेटली ने कालेधन वालों को एक तरह से आगाह करते हुए शनिवार को कहा कि कोई अपने कालेधन को केवल बैंक खातों में जमा कराके ही उसे सफेद नहीं बना सकता क्योंकि ऐसे अघोषित धन पर कर चुकाना होगाlivehindustan.com2. दिल्ली गुरूग्राम एक्सप्रेस-वे पर स्थित टोल प्लाजा से गुजरने वाले लोगों को 2 दिसंबर की आधी रात से टोल शुल्क चुकाना होगाlivehindustan.com3. पाकिस्तानी प्रधानमंत्री नवाज़ शरीफ को कश्मीर में भारतीय सेना के हाथों मारे गए आतंकी संगठन हिजबुल के कमांडर बुरहान वानी को यूनाइटेड नेशंस में शहीद बताने का खामियाजा सार्क सम्मलेन रद्द करके चुकाना पड़ा हैlivehindustan.comRelated words :
chukana can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb and/or Adjective in hindi originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : chukaanaa

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