Meaning of (च्योल) chyola in english

As noun : lime Ex:  Agriculture Amend ground lime to the setting are
whitewash Ex:  Skip to whitewash leak Ex:  Tracing the source of the leak drip Ex:  similar to that of the stalactite, but that forms on the floor of underground cavities which fall drip the same waters charged with calcareous salts, silica, etc dribble fall Ex:  With the fall of the Qing Dynasty collapse Ex:  After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 failure Ex:  Untreated thalassemia Major eventually leads to death usually by heart failure flake out discharge Ex:  Giving discharge to the directors crash rain Ex:  The rain lashed at the windows . wipeout retreat Ex:  Losers usually retreat shower Ex:  Leave a shower make Ex:  They processed many fruits to make jams, jellies etc.. cave in wipe Ex:  It also said it strongly that serves to wipe keel over turn Ex:  Near the turn of the 20th century plump down slip lower Ex:  In 1858, they had expanded south to the lower Virgin River. dip pitch Ex:  The actual pitch of the Gregorian chant is not fixed peel Ex:  lemon peel tip Ex:  Some believe that Atlantis stretched from the tip of Spain to Central America.
As verb : exude trickle Ex:  This fountain, this pump provides only a trickle languish Ex:  They made him languish in cruel torments come down stumble go down Ex:  , Rat Cellar, thin candle species that is rolled on itself and which is used to go down to the cellar flop back keel Ex:  Place the bar rudder, or reduce it to the parallel to the keel of the building knock off sink drop Ex:  Exit, drop a party
Suggested : to come out gradually in drops, as sweat, through pores or small openings ooze out to let drops fall shed drops an unintended hole, crack, or the like, through which liquid, gas, light, etc, enters or escapes a composition, as of lime and water or of whiting , size, and water, used for whitening walls, woodwork, etc Also called burnt lime, calcium oxide, caustic lime , calx , quicklime a white or grayish-white, odorless, lumpy, very slightly water-soluble solid, CaO, that when combined with water forms calcium hydroxide (slaked lime) obtained from calcium carbonate, limestone , or oyster shells
Exampleच्योल का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(च्योल) chyola can be used as noun, verb or intransitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : chyola

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