Meaning of ghamandi in english

Interpreting ghamandi - घमंडी
As noun : arrogant Ex:  This is an arrogant उ:   घमंडी १९८१ का हिन्दी भाषा का चलचित्र है।
supercilious pharisee cheek Ex:  , Wallflower five leaves, Bellows so strongly applied as the five fingers leave their mark on the cheek high and mighty uppity
As adjective : haughty Ex:  This is a man haughty उ:   शान-शौकत मनुष्य को घमंडी बनाती है और उसके पतन का कारण बनती है। cocky
Other : proud Ex:  He came to us to a proud step, a constraint approach, embarrassed conceited such a person Ex:  Though such a person would not be shunned vain Ex:  He spoke vain thrasonical overweening
Suggested : either side of the face below the eye and above the jaw a member of a Jewish sect that flourished during the 1st century bc and 1st century ad and that differed from the Sadducees chiefly in its strict observance of religious ceremonies and practices, adherence to oral laws and traditions, and belief in an afterlife and the coming of a Messiah Australian
cockatoo ( def 1 ) disdainfully proud snobbish scornfully arrogant supercilious making claims or pretensions to superior importance or rights overbearingly assuming insolently proud
Exampleघमंडी का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of ghamandi Antonyms of ghamandi

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Usage of घमंडी:
1. संघ ने किया उद्धव पर पलटवार, 'सेनापति घमंडी और सेना गुलामी में' ibnlive.com2. संघ ने किया उद्धव पर पलटवार, 'सेनापति घमंडी और सेना गुलामी में' ibnlive.com3. वो एक घमंडी इंवेस्टमेंट बैंकर है जो कोई भी बेवकूफी बर्दाश्त नहीं करती और ये एक अक्खड़ पर अच्छे दिल का आदमी है जो चुप नहीं रह सकताibnlive.comRelated words :
ghamandi can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : ghama.nDii

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