Meaning of kadak in english

Interpreting kadak - कड़क
As noun : clap
Other :
sudden sharp noise crack Ex:  There was a crack in the wall thunder Ex:  The rolling of thunder strong Ex:  The Presbyterians have historically had a strong presence in Charlotte vigorousness vigorous Ex:  Use vigorous English. snap Ex:  In terms of joinery, it means reduce to the desired thickness of a part piece of wood must snap
Suggested : to make a sudden, sharp, distinct sound crack, as a whip crackle full of or characterized by vigor having, showing, or able to exert great bodily or muscular power physically vigorous or robust a loud, explosive, resounding noise produced by the explosive expansion of air heated by a lightning discharge to break without complete separation of parts become fissured
Exampleकड़क का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of कड़क:
1. राजधानी पटना में शनिवार को सूर्य की तल्खी और कड़क रहीlivehindustan.com2. राजधानी पटना में शनिवार को सूर्य की तल्खी और कड़क रहीlivehindustan.com3. दांतों की तरह कड़क नहीं जीभ की तरह नरम बनें bhaskar.comRelated words :
kadak can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 3 including consonants. Transliteration : ka.Daka

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