Meaning of (काहल—) kahala— in english

As noun : murky
sleaze evil Ex:  , Say worse than hang someone, say it all evil sordid Ex:  Avarice sordid messy Ex:  A messy process dirty Ex:  Anne gave me a dirty look . waste Ex:  I can't waste any more money on this car . turbid into a state Ex:  For exaggeration, it means even put into a state of depression, weakness dingy nasty mess Ex:  This is sure a fouled-up mess . bastard Ex:  Bergamot bastard shop soiled smutch unclean Ex:  It means figuratively unclean thing not to touch in a state Ex:  The man was lying in a state of drugged insensibility. tip Ex:  Cape Comorin constitutes the southern tip of the mainland Indian peninsula snotty nosed seedy Ex:  I felt pity for that seedy girl. shopworn black Ex:  The carapace of adult specimens is almost completely black pig Ex:  A guinea pig named Rodney
As verb : stinking Ex:  stinking Disease
As adjective : dusty Ex:  Your car sure is dusty . mucky filthy Ex:  "wanting to be very dirty and draw filthy pictures," did not stay very long scruffy Ex:  Calcutta is a scruffy place. grubby
Suggested : characterized by a dirty, untidy, or disordered condition morally ignoble or base vile morally wrong or bad immoral wicked a contemptible or vulgar person dark, gloomy, and cheerless
Exampleकाहल— का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(काहल—) kahala— can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from modification of language by locals . Transliteration : kaahala—

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