Stinking meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Stinking
As verb : अखज Ex:  Those guys are stinking with jewelry . अजाय Ex:  "What a stinking mess. अदर्शनोय Ex:  Dead bodies were rotting stinking air अधर्मात्मा Ex:  Gladiolus marsh gladiolus stinking अनखौहा० Ex:  Hunting Traps to take the stinking beasts अनबना Ex:  It also appoints the Bois stinking अरिष्ट Ex:  It can not remain with him, he is stinking असत् Ex:  Nothing is more than a stinking crushed bug काहल— Ex:  stinking Disease कुचैल Ex:  Traps that tends to stinking beasts कुढ़ंग Ex:  When they had begun to stir the earth, there came a stinking vapor that poisoned all कृच्छ Ex:  air stifled, musty, stale, stinking कोकट Ex:  it's a stinking खवारी खुटवा गंदमगंदा गंदा गर्ह्माणक गहंणीय घासलेटो चिचटक जबुर जबून धीँग ध्याम प्रम्लान फासिर्द बदबूदार बदराह बिसधा बुरा उ:   ‘ऊपर से प्रदूषण का बुरा हाल था। मलन मलिच्छ ‡ मैलाकुचैला रिप्र शुभेतर श्रृधू संकसुक
Stinking ki paribhasha : jisake paas karane ke liye koi kaam na ho
Usage of Stinking in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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