Meaning of (घासलेटो) ghasaleto in english

As noun : mean Ex:  , is used to mean "You ain't lying".
vulgar Ex:  Natural History vulgar larva of the beetle name raunchy filthy Ex:  Barbe filthy gross Ex:  Texas had a gross state product of $1.09 trillion ribald Ex:  ribald song bad Ex:  64% described their family's economic situation as being somewhat or very bad blueflim earthy Ex:  In terms of chemistry, it refers to the operation of paying several times in hot or cold water on earthy or other materials to extract soluble parts they contain off color foul Ex:  Chemistry Who is gaseous, colorless and a foul odor similar to rotten eggs , speaking an acid form of sulfur and hydrogen stag smutty crude Ex:  Hybrid I and Hybrid II were still very crude broad Ex:  All should be considered broad generalizations bawdy Ex:  It means, figuratively, Who is seasoned risky jokes, bawdy of about x rated blue Ex:  And here he is, the down-home clean-cut boy in the blue tights and red cape". murky sleaze evil Ex:  Having oily tongue, Have thick tongue, feeling some embarrassment in pronunciation pronounce evil certain consonants and mainly r sordid Ex:  Traits or sordid avarice by which manifests greed messy Ex:  As soon as the army appeared, the enemy retreated in good order, messy dirty Ex:  Beware of this dirty floor waste Ex:  A collector of waste paper turbid into a state dingy nasty mess Ex:  , let it all hang out, Do not put anything in its place, leaving a mess bastard Ex:  Race bastard, bastard line was said of Descendants of a bastard shop soiled smutch unclean Ex:  The pork was an unclean animal among the Jews in a state Ex:  Liberia has been in a state of flux witnessing two civil wars tip Ex:  The Paris Basin reaches a small fourth area at Belgium's southernmost tip snotty nosed seedy shopworn black Ex:  The final soul was black and after death would travel away from the village. pig Ex:  It is a small pig
As verb : dirty Ex:  Beware of this dirty floor stinking
As adjective : porno pornographic obscene Ex:  Character of what is obscene nasty naughty indecent coarse Ex:  dog bread, coarse bread for the food of dogs immodest scabrous salacious mucky dusty Ex:  The road is dusty mucky filthy Ex:  Barbe filthy scruffy grubby
Suggested : vulgar or smutty crude earthy obscene offensive to morality or decency indecent depraved characterized by ignorance of or lack of good breeding or taste Also, porno to have in mind as one's purpose or intention intend
Exampleघासलेटो का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(घासलेटो) ghasaleto can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi composed of suffix at the end of the word originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : ghaasaleTo

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