Foul meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Foul
As noun : अमूझाना Ex:  an indication of foul play
अरुझाना Ex:  The detective smelled out foul play. अश्लील Ex:  The foul smell was comming from the squalor of the slums. उलझाना Ex:  She edited the foul language out of the essay . उशत् Ex:  Go away! Don't foul me up any more . कलुषित Ex:  There's no need to use foul language . कुफारी Ex:  Jenkinson's book lists 78 foul balls near the foul pole in Ruth's career गँदोलना Ex:  If a foul occurs during a down गंदा करना Ex:  The foul of 'boarding' गुरझियाना Ex:  While some cried foul गेंद बाहर फेंकना Ex:  A foul inexpiée घासलेटो Ex:  Chemistry Who is gaseous, colorless and a foul odor similar to rotten eggs , speaking an acid form of sulfur and hydrogen घृणित Ex:  Committing a foul नियमोल्लंघन Ex:  Make foul language फुहस Ex:  Serious foul बझाना ‡ Ex:  Serious foul बहुत खराब Ex:  That makes a foul by the nose बीभत्सित Ex:  what is foul Quality बेईमानी करना Ex:  , a fault confessed is half forgiven A foul that admits becomes more forgivable श्रमण
As verb : उलझ जाना Ex:  That's a lot of foul talk . दूषित करना Ex:  It also says a dirty thing especially for a foul About
As adjective : अभद्र Ex:  an utterer of foul oaths नियम विरुद्ध Ex:  Justify a foul charged बदबूदार Ex:  Serious foul language बिसधा Ex:  Today it is a foul mood
Other : आविल Ex:  Potassium sulphate is a foul smelling chemical. कलुष Ex:  The little animal gave a foul smell off . गदला Ex:  The battle is a long and foul one गन्दा Ex:  When a ball is hit outside the foul lines तूफ़ानी Ex:  Fox exhales a foul odor मैला Ex:  , right Journeying, Do not fall foul
Foul ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ke saadhu jo maila kuchaila kapad pahanate hain lakadi aadi men bal dalan ya tedha karana saahityashaastr ke anusaar kaavyaadi men aise shavdon ka prayog jinase brida, jugupsa aur amngal ki abhi- vyakti hoti ho jise dekhakar ya sunakar ghrana paida ho
Foul synonyms
putrid vile horrid vicious fetid rotten hateful nasty filthy wicked stinking nauseating gross rank base tainted pigpen repellent revolting abhorrent abominable despicable detestable disgraceful dishonorable egregious heinous icky impure infamous iniquitous loathsome malodorous nefarious noisome notorious raunchy repulsive scandalous shameful squalid unclean yucky mucky sullied polluted contaminated yecchy abusive blue low profane blasphemous coarse indecent lewd obscene scatological scurrilous smutty foul-mouthed crooked caitiff fraudulent inequitable monstrous shady underhand underhanded unfair unjust unscrupulous violation offense breach infringement error encroachment slip faux pas clog choke twist catch defile soil ensnare besmear fill discolor tarnish jam stain desecrate sully spot smudge befoul besmirch entangle snarl block begrime
Foul antonyms
kind friendly pleasant moral assisting helpful pleasing delightful fragrant wonderful inoffensive honest fresh sweet gentle nice good clean pure decent aiding innocent fair incorrupt just sterile gay happy obedience unblock purify release honor sanctify sterilize free let go fix
Usage of Foul in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun, verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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