Meaning of (तूफ़ानी) toofanee,tufanee,toofani in english

Other : blowy उ:   उन्हें तूफ़ानी हिन्दू कहा गया।
blustery breezy stormy Ex:  After a few stormy years of power-struggle with Doggett and Wilks tempestuous windy Ex:  Summers are typically hot and humid, while winters are cold, windy and snowy. foul Ex:  Fox exhales a foul odor angry Ex:  In an angry speech the next day on December 10 bad Ex:  There was a lot of bad will
Suggested : grossly offensive to the senses disgustingly loathsome noisome accompanied or characterized by wind characterized by or subject to tempests affected, characterized by, or subject to storms tempestuous abounding in breezes windy
Exampleतूफ़ानी का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(तूफ़ानी) toofanee,tufanee,toofani and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. Transliteration : tuufaanii

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