Meaning of khush karna in english

Interpreting khush karna - खुश करना
As noun : tickle fancy
delight Ex:  What a delight this music! Reading this book is a delight
As verb : indulge Ex:  Please indulge me with this one favor . excite Ex:  Hunting Call, excite a dog, a horse, shouting houp
Other : to gladden to joy Ex:  , Phone Laughing Friday, Sunday will cry, often succeeds sadness to joy in a very short time gladden to refresh Ex:  These troops are tired, you have to put the rest to refresh to indulge Ex:  Action to surrender, to let go, to indulge too easily to please Ex:  Accommodating the feeling, to taste someone to please him regale Ex:  regale guests refrigerate Ex:  Health experts advise people to refrigerate eggs to refrigerate refresh Ex:  These troops are tired, you have to put the rest to refresh to regale Ex:  It turn to regale please Ex:  Box the gift, please soothe Ex:  He ate two or three pieces to soothe big hunger rejoice Ex:  God knows how you will rejoice joy Ex:  , Phone Laughing Friday, Sunday will cry, often succeeds sadness to joy in a very short time
Suggested : to entertain lavishly or agreeably delight to make glad to arouse or stir up the emotions or feelings of a high degree of pleasure or enjoyment joy rapture to yield to an inclination or desire allow oneself to follow one's will (often followed by in )
Exampleखुश करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of khush karna Antonyms of khush karna

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Usage of खुश करना:
1. न्याय के देवता शनिदेव को खुश करना कोई आसान काम नहीं हैlivehindustan.com2. आपको बता दें कि मां लक्ष्मी के कई ऐसे रूप हैं जिनकी आराधना के बगैर उन्हें खुश करना थोड़ा मुश्किल काम हैlivehindustan.com3. नवरात्रि में देवी की उपासना कर हर कोई मां को खुश करना चाहता है
khush karna can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. Transliteration : khusha karanaa

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