Meaning of (खड़ा) khada in english
As verb : sheer Ex:  His threats are nothing but sheer bravado.
Other :
constant Ex:  However, it was a time of constant skirmishing in and around the Peloponnese. or processing erect Ex:  châtellenie erect a marquisate steep Ex:  Hong Kong is dominated by steep stationary Ex:  Astronomy Each of the two times when the sun reached its greatest distance from the equator and seems be stationary for a few days upright Ex:  Stand upright well whole Ex:  I waited for him whole day but he never showed. standing Ex:  Augustus was also able to create a standing army for the Roman Empire moored Ex:  A boat that is lagging behind, a boat moored on the back of a building and that it drags in its march aground Ex:  It was sold to the Russians but proved unstable, ran aground and was scrapped. on call ready (as cash continual Ex:  The childs affections suffered continual restraint. awaiting completion final Ex:  Jane was out all night before she took her final . perpendicular Ex:  Cup perpendicular abrupt parked Ex:  they parked in the driveway straight Ex:  Tom is straight as an arrow . high Ex:  In times of flood and high irrigation flows the majority of the water entire Ex:  The city is a microcosm of the entire country. stagnant waiting Ex:  She is waiting for the pharmacist. vertical Ex:  Land therefore has a vertical supply curve, giving it zero elasticity . unreaped (as खड़ा खेत standing a long while upstanding endwise
Suggested : standing still not moving having an almost vertical slope or pitch, or a relatively high gradient, as a hill, an ascent, stairs, etc upright in position or posture not changing or varying uniform regular invariable transparently thin diaphanous, as some fabrics
Word of the day
Usage of खड़ा:
1. राष्ट्रगान के लिए दिन में 40 बार भी खड़ा होना ही पड़ेगा: सुप्रीम कोर्टlivehindustan.com2. पूरे दिन बैंक पर लाइन में खड़ा रहने के बावजूद जब पैसा नहीं मिला तो अधेड़ की मौत हो गयीlivehindustan.com3. पश्चिमी उत्तर प्रदेश समेत दिल्ली और हरियाणा तक दबंगई का साम्राज्य खड़ा करने वाले बाहुबली डीपी यादव को चुनाव आयोग ने बड़ा सियासी झटका दिया था
(खड़ा) khada
can be used as verb. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 3 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :