Meaning of (मर्मव्यथा) marmavyatha in english

As noun : crisp
savage crushing Ex:  By analogy, crushing taxes, tax Overloading retentive deep Ex:  Antique Corps heavily armed spearmen who fought in four, eight, twelve, sixteen ranks deep and sharp Ex:  The past participle DECREASED, EE, says adjectively in terms of music, a minor interval which is subtracted by a semitone sharp to the lower rating, or a flat in the top notes clear Ex:  His memory is disturbed, it is no longer clear memory keen sound Ex:  A concert of voices and instruments the sound of instruments extreme Ex:  The Israeli Merkava takes tank design for crew protection to an extreme yare
As verb : piercing frequent Ex:  His frequent absences led to the nickname "Three-Day Gray".
As adjective : intense Ex:  He engages in intense intellectual and physical training intensive exquisite fierce severe Ex:  Borges suffered a severe head wound: during treatment hot Ex:  The entire island succumbs to hot humid weather from June until September violent Ex:  Goldman suffered from a violent relationship with her father. vehement Ex:  Orateur vehement bright Ex:  It is, to similar effect, in terms of Painting and Sculpture, from bright and natural representation of passions loud Ex:  Speak out loud and sustained manner, some speeches, some piece of prose or verse we know by heart
Suggested : harsh unnecessarily extreme menacingly wild, savage, or hostile of special beauty or charm, or rare and appealing excellence, as a face, a flower, coloring, music, or poetry of, pertaining to, or characterized by intensity existing or occurring in a high or extreme degree
Exampleमर्मव्यथा का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(मर्मव्यथा) marmavyatha can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : marmavyathaa

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