Meaning of (नप्स) napsa in english

As noun : sex Ex:  He can be popular with the opposite sex
work Ex:  Those labourers work in a factory . brief Ex:  After a brief period of unemployment assignment Ex:  USA. Its assignment has been controversial. task Ex:  During 1944, in any case, the task became steadily more difficult. game Ex:  In an NFL playoff game things Ex:  i have added two things . deed Ex:  , The intention is for the deed pigeon business Ex:  Deagle's business practices. job Ex:  I don't quite understand my job . charge Ex:  Commissioner of Police, or simply Commissioner, Public Officer in charge in cities, to observe the regulations and police orders operation Ex:  She won Leipzig yet again the day before her foot operation show Ex:  Why shouldn't movies show that? duty Ex:  Jupiter recalls Aeneas to his duty towards Rome employment Ex:  The doctrine of at-will employment turn Ex:  Whoever ate the human flesh was said to turn into a wolf service Ex:  A limited licensed taxi service operates nationwide. thing Ex:  A thing is 'visible' if it can be seen action Ex:  In early June, Japan put their operations into action wait Ex:  It then lurks in wait for potential prey and lust Ex:  Who is strongly inclined to lust erotic Ex:  Poets erotic or substantively, Erotic flesh Ex:  His sculpture emphasized the individual and the concreteness of flesh
Suggested : a definite piece of work assigned to, falling to, or expected of a person duty something assigned, as a particular task or duty lasting or taking a short time of short duration exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something labor toil either the male or female division of a species, especially as differentiated with reference to the reproductive functions
Exampleनप्स का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(नप्स) napsa can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender . Transliteration : napsa

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