Meaning of padhana in english

Interpreting padhana - पढ़ना
As noun : study Ex:  This made the study of physics, and all other sciences, respectable.
read on Ex:  The Book of Jonah is read on Yom Kippur. run over anchor Ex:  He cast anchor between Cat Island and Ship Island pronounce Ex:  In this and the next word, Geo pronounce OJ
As verb : learn Ex:  From time to time the Pokémon may also learn new moves
Other : reading Ex:  Rasheeda sat reading the newspaper . intone recite Ex:  It also said a small speech in verse or prose that makes recite or present a child to his father, his mother, or some other person, the day of celebration or the first day of the year for the compliment read Ex:  Love's Last Shift is today read only by the most dedicated scholars relate Ex:  The three legs relate directly to the island's motto : repeat Ex:  Pangloss repeat it like a mantra. say Ex:  Israeli experts say it is nine times saltier than the Mediterranean Sea . उ:   कुछ समय बाद "ब्रजविलास" पढ़ना आरंभ किया।
Exampleपढ़ना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of padhana Antonyms of padhana

Word of the day
Usage of पढ़ना:
1. कुछ तरीके हैं, जिनको समझने के लिए नीचे दिए गए कुछ प्वाइंट्स को पढ़ना आवश्यक हैlivehindustan.com2. धन के ल‌िए परेशान हर व्यक्त‌ि को पढ़ना चाह‌िए आचार्य श्रीराम शर्मा के बताए ये 6 मंत्र amarujala.com3. आपने जो हेडलाइन पढ़ी है वो पूरी तरह से सही है...अब आप भी सोच रहे होंगे कि ऐसा करने से भला पर्यावरण को क्या नुकसान हो सकता है तो ये जानने के लिए आपको इस खबर को पढ़ना पढ़ेगा तब खुद ही समझ आ जाएगा
padhana No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Transitive Verb in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : paDhanaa

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