Meaning of prakat karna in english

Interpreting prakat karna - प्रकट करना
As noun : divulge
air Ex:  The first air attack occurred on June 4 expose Ex:  In terms of procedure, it means expose his reasons in a query in a memory for his case show Ex:  I think it's possible that the show will become too financially cumbersome. savour of display Ex:  1950", governs the display and usage of the flag. put Ex:  As he put it: 'Aristotelians . pass off unmask Ex:  , unmask his batteries, Discover his game, his intentions, act out unlock voice Ex:  The puppets' lines were mostly invented by the voice actors declare Ex:  However, counties can declare themselves "dry" register Ex:  Extract baptismal or simply Baptismal, Extract from the register that indicates the time when a person was baptized and the names she received the baptism give an airing spring Ex:  In the spring of 1943 bring to light carry Ex:  As your orders carry the give vent to express Ex:  Furthermore, Western governments did not express much criticism. give full vent to umask
As verb : reveal Ex:  Coins struck for emperors often reveal details of their personal iconography. betray Ex:  Violate, betray his faith feature Ex:  The first foreign feature movie filmed entirely in St. bare Ex:  , to take or hold by the tail, by the handle, by the edges, too hot utensil there so we can bring the bare hand without burning disclose Ex:  Publish, disclose a secret call forth deliver Ex:  It also tells of Action to put someone to make, deliver unfold uncloak convey Ex:  Kindly convey the modalities recognize Ex:  Eventually Breuer started to recognize some of the words and wrote them down. speak Ex:  Many of those who worked for him speak highly in his favour.
Other : word Ex:  Notice how the first word has 3 letters ventilate
Suggested : a prominent or conspicuous part or characteristic to lay open to danger, attack, harm, etc a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and minute amounts of other gases that surrounds the earth and forms its atmosphere to deliver or expose to an enemy by treachery or disloyalty to make known disclose divulge
Exampleप्रकट करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of prakat karna Antonyms of prakat karna

Word of the day
prakat karna can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including consonants matras. Transliteration : prakaTa karanaa

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