Meaning of sanduk in english
Interpreting sanduk - सन्दूक
As noun : case Ex:  Especially in the case of the last four उ: बीज का संदूक दो भागों में बँटा रहता है।
box Ex:  It also denotes a box drilled with several holes, which serves as the fountain to measure the amount of water supplied by a source उ: संदूक के पत्रों को १५६८ की सम्मेलन से पहले कभी जारी नहीं किया गया था। box Ex:  It has given me a ring, a box box Ex:  It is out of hand, it is in the left hand box उ: इस साँचे को किसी सन्देश को सन्दूक में डालने हेतु किया जा सकता है । package Ex:  He said, colloquially, a Girl's package Honor trunk Ex:  Lest we do trunk chest Ex:  Having chest low attache case
Other : trunk Ex:  It said, in terms of Painting and Sculpture, the Way in which members joined to the trunk or which the parties hold a member to each other hutch ark coffer
Suggested : a pen or enclosed coop for small animals Anatomy the trunk of the body from the neck to the abdomen thorax the main stem of a tree, as distinct from the branches and roots a bundle of something, usually of small or medium size, that is packed and wrapped or boxed parcel a container, case, or receptacle, usually rectangular, of wood, metal, cardboard, etc, and often with a lid or removable cover
Exampleसन्दूक का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of sanduk Antonyms of sanduk
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Related words :
As noun : संदूक का ढक्कन - trunk lid संदूक जिसमें मुर्दा रख कर गाडते हैं - coffin संदूक जिसमें मुर्दा रख कर गाड़ते हैं - coffin संदूक में रखना - box संदूक में रखनाअना - case संदूकनुमा गमला - window box सन्दूकचा - cabinet
Other : संदूकचा - box संदूकची - chest (furniture संदूकड़ी - संदूकी - सन्दूक में रख देना - pack away सन्दूक से) निकालना - uncase
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :