Meaning of sanduk in english

Interpreting sanduk - सन्दूक
As noun : case Ex:  Especially in the case of the last four उ:   बीज का संदूक दो भागों में बँटा रहता है।
box Ex:  It also denotes a box drilled with several holes, which serves as the fountain to measure the amount of water supplied by a source उ:   संदूक के पत्रों को १५६८ की सम्मेलन से पहले कभी जारी नहीं किया गया था। box Ex:  It has given me a ring, a box box Ex:  It is out of hand, it is in the left hand box उ:   इस साँचे को किसी सन्देश को सन्दूक में डालने हेतु किया जा सकता है । package Ex:  He said, colloquially, a Girl's package Honor trunk Ex:  Lest we do trunk chest Ex:  Having chest low attache case
Other : trunk Ex:  It said, in terms of Painting and Sculpture, the Way in which members joined to the trunk or which the parties hold a member to each other hutch ark coffer
Suggested : a pen or enclosed coop for small animals Anatomy the trunk of the body from the neck to the abdomen thorax the main stem of a tree, as distinct from the branches and roots a bundle of something, usually of small or medium size, that is packed and wrapped or boxed parcel a container, case, or receptacle, usually rectangular, of wood, metal, cardboard, etc, and often with a lid or removable cover
Exampleसन्दूक का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of sanduk Antonyms of sanduk

Word of the day
sanduk can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. Transliteration : sanduuka

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