Meaning of sanvarana in english

Interpreting sanvarana - संवारना
As verb : polish
furbish adorn Ex:  It is said by analogy Decorations shaped festoons which architects, sculptors, painters adorn their works
Other : goffering (=gourffering decorate Ex:  He still says foliage ornaments, flowers or fruit which sculptors and painters decorate the buildings goffering (gourffering to prune to rig to prank to tinker equip Ex:  equip a soldier to better Ex:  It says figuratively and familiarly of a person who puts on a high place, for a better view or to better hear to trim to embellish Ex:  The campaign embellishes begins to embellish to flourish to decorate Ex:  Put yourself in the furniture, buy furniture to decorate the apartment you want hold to deck to adjust Ex:  If ADONISER means above all take too much care to adjust to look younger or more beautiful to garnish adjust Ex:  If ADONISER means above all take too much care to adjust to look younger or more beautiful to equip Ex:  He said again, had mostly military terms, What serves to equip embellish Ex:  The campaign embellishes begins to embellish to adorn Ex:  This woman loves to adorn herself to qualify Ex:  The past participle ROUÉ adjectively is working in terms of hunting, to qualify the wood of the deer, when tightened slightly open and garnish prune emblazon qualify Ex:  The past participle ROUÉ adjectively is working in terms of hunting, to qualify the wood of the deer, when tightened slightly open and prank tinker deck Ex:  Marine One said the Highest deck of a ship trim flourish rig better Ex:  One can perhaps better describe these as phenomena rather than as beliefs
Suggested : to furnish or provide with whatever is needed for use or for any undertaking fit out, as a ship or army to furnish or adorn with something ornamental or becoming embellish to decorate or add beauty to, as by ornaments to restore to freshness of appearance or good condition (often followed by up ) to make smooth and glossy, especially by rubbing or friction
Exampleसंवारना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of sanvarana Antonyms of sanvarana

Word of the day
Usage of संवारना:
1. किसी भी सरकार को उसकी पूर्ववर्ती सरकार के बिगाड़े काम को भी संवारना होता है bhaskar.com2. महिलाओं को अपने चेहरे के आकार के मुताबिक ही अपने बालों को विशेष स्टाइल में संवारना चाहिएibnlive.com3. परंपरागत जल स्रोतों को संवारना जरूरी LiveHindustanRelated words :
Other : 
सँवारना (केबल में जोड़ - wiping
sanvarana can be used as verb. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. Transliteration : sa.nvaaranaa

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