Meaning of suspasht in english

Interpreting suspasht - सुस्पष्ट
As noun : noticeable Ex:  Her conduct, her character felt a noticeable change
bold Ex:  Who has a lot of overweight, which is very bold graphic manifest Ex:  VISIBLE means figuratively Who is obvious, manifest unmistakeable glaring
As verb : articulate उ:   नावातल की कई बोलियाँ है किंतु यह ऐक दुसरे से सुस्पष्ट नहीं है। bald clear cut
As adjective : explicit Ex:  The law is explicit on this point उ:   कोशिकाओं के बीच में सुस्पष्ट अवकाश होता हैं। lucid उ:   फिर भी, वार्ड अपेक्षाकृत सुस्पष्ट रहते हैं। unambiguous उ:   लूयीसा पॉइंट के प्रबल फ़ोर्ट का सुस्पष्ट दर्शन होता है। prominent Ex:  A prominent subgenre is steampunk उ:   तापमण्डल के ऊपरी भाग आयनसीमा मण्डल की कोई सुस्पष्ट ऊपरी सीमा नहीं है। vivid उ:   व्यवहार, विचार, तथा भावना के सुस्पष्ट ऐटर्नों को शीलगुण कहते हैं। candid उ:   मूसा की संहिता में यहूदियों के लिये इस प्रथा का सुस्पष्ट निषेघ है। categorical उ:   लेकिन इसका मतलब यह नहीं है कि उसका अर्थ हमेशा सुस्पष्ट ही होता है। emphatic उ:   जो भी हो यह सुस्पष्ट है कि उसका शासन काल बहुत लम्बा नही था। obvious Ex:  Still, there are a few obvious developments. observable Ex:  There are probably more than 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe. marked Ex:  The fourteenth century was marked by many church-state conflicts. trenchant pointed Ex:  Other misreadings of the Chedorlaomer Text were pointed out craggy crystal clear unequivocal unmistakable Ex:  It would be unmistakable transparent Ex:  The air is transparent as water well marked Ex:  Who muscles well marked distinct Ex:  The PRC officially recognizes 56 distinct ethnic groups
Other : outspoken Ex:  Hingis is also well known for usually being outspoken and "sharp tongued". perspicuous clear-cut perceptible palpable intelligible Ex:  This passage is highly intelligible determinate distinctive Ex:  Singapore has a tropical rainforest climate with no distinctive seasons. rich Ex:  These unusual soils are very rich in phosphate decided Ex:  Some Friends decided that in these cases the Bible should be authoritative. conspicuous plain
Suggested : strikingly bright or intense, as color, light, etc standing out so as to be seen easily conspicuous particularly noticeable uttered clearly in distinct syllables easily understood completely intelligible or comprehensible fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated leaving nothing merely implied unequivocal
Exampleसुस्पष्ट का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of suspasht Antonyms of suspasht

Word of the day
suspasht can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. Transliteration : suspaShTa

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