Meaning of (तसवीस) tasaveesa in english

As noun : concern Ex:  The low temperature had prompted concern from engineers at Morton Thiokol
anxiety Ex:  The Agony of Our Lord in Gethsemane, The state of anxiety in which our Lord is found in the Garden worry Ex:  It is said, in ordinary language, in a Certain willingness to see things as beautiful, do not worry about the present embarrassment and augurs well for the future solicitude solicitousness angst soreness preoccupation care Ex:  Clara dies in the storm, and Bess will now care for her baby. jump interest Ex:  The males follow the females with great interest thinking Ex:  I'm much more interested in having people thinking about the ideas tension Ex:  His tension towards Gielgud came to a head in 1940 apprehension creep funk fright Ex:  It says figuratively of Any kind of sudden fright threat Ex:  This was the most serious threat to come from within the family yet phobia scare fear Ex:  Legalism taught that laws were obeyed out of fear not respect. phobic neurosis jeopardy phobic disorder fearfulness terror Ex:  Great terror, terror, terror scared Ex:  It came quite scared we say this new apprehension horror Ex:  The 2007 horror feature 30 Days of Night dread threat Ex:  This was the most serious threat to come from within the family yet heebie jeebies timorousness timidity consternation discomfiture disquietude disconcertment self consciousness uncomfortableness uneasiness disconcertion labyrinth discomposure panic trepidation bewilderment jitters embarrassment Ex:  Everyone noticed her embarrassment angst nervousness press Ex:  A United Nations press release states: "Governments flutter perplexity mystification timidness tizzy disturbance
As verb : think Ex:  It's your move, and I think I have you trapped . fear Ex:  Legalism taught that laws were obeyed out of fear not respect.
Suggested : anxious or concerned (usually followed by about, for, etc, or a clause) the state of being solicitous anxiety or concern to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts fret distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune to relate to be connected with be of interest or importance to affect
Exampleतसवीस का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(तसवीस) tasaveesa can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender . Transliteration : tasaviisa

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