Press meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Press
As noun : अकोरना Ex:  The foreign journalists who had arrived to watch parliament proceedings were directed towards the press gallery.
अखबारनवीसी Ex:  sanitize a document before releasing it to the press अचकचाहट Ex:  I have a wooden press in my bed-room. अठागूहन Ex:  he gave the button a press अठाना० Ex:  the prime minister pointed reassuringly to the silence of the British press अधृति Ex:  The press condemned the misjudgement by the court. अफरा तफरी Ex:  to press and squeeze a mixture of fllor and water with your hands in order to make bread अरसनापरसना Ex:  A scrum of press reporters was trying to interview the leader of the opposition. अलमारी Ex:  Give a press to the shirt before wearing it. अवक Ex:  The press officer co-ordinates the working of the press-office. आलिंगन करना Ex:  News in the yellow press shouldnt be believed. इस्ट्री करना Ex:  The press agent organised the party very well. उद्विग्मता Ex:  Double the paper over twice, then press it f lat . कलंबियन Ex:  I will press her for an answer . किताब का शेल्फ Ex:  The national food press -- Gourmet, Food & Wine, Esquire and Playboy. खँभार Ex:  The press called it a "peace ray" or death ray. घबर Ex:  In a long letter to Ruth a few days before the press conference घबराट Ex:  At a press conference in the United States घबराहट Ex:  After Kelly gave a press interview explaining her side of the story उ:   घबराहट दूर करने के लिए रोगी को अवसादक औषधियाँ दी जा सकती हैं। छटपटो Ex:  In a press conference छपाई की मशीन Ex:  The learner would press a button to indicate his response. छापाखाना Ex:  An opposing newspaper's printing press was bombed and its journalists tortured. जबरदस्ती मनवाना Ex:  Following the press conference, the original Guerra documents disappeared. जोर डालना Ex:  Manchester has recently been regarded by the international press जोरदार करना Ex:  A press law forbids insulting references to God and Prophet Muhammed. तसवीस Ex:  A United Nations press release states: "Governments ताबल Ex:  At a press conference held in March 2006 तारनी Ex:  Blair gave particular prominence to his press secretary थोपना Ex:  The first book off the press was in 1734 दबाव Ex:  Faith in the experts and in science was common in the popular press उ:   दबाव केवल नेता के नैतिक प्रभाव का होता है। दाबक Ex:  Watterson explains in a 2005 press release: Actually उ:   इसे भली भाँति कुचल कर, दबाकर या दाबक से तेल निकालते हैं। दाबयंट्र Ex:  During Electronic Arts’s summer press event on July 13 दीवारी अल्मारी Ex:  The result generated controversy among fans and the press दौड़ादौड़ी Ex:  Announcing his decision at a press conference धुकड़पुकड़ Ex:  During his reign the first printing press was introduced to Russia . धौँज Ex:  Sedna and Eris were heralded in the popular press as the 'tenth planet' धौँधौँमार Ex:  The Thai press was requested not to publish any information about the case. निचोड़नेवाला Ex:  De Pretto's paper received recent press coverage न्यायस्ंगत सिद्ध करना Ex:  The press became far less controlled पट्र Ex:  The international press पट्रकार Ex:  In a press release dated January 1 पट्रकारिता Ex:  He supported liberty of the press पट्रिका Ex:  Florida after her press agent stated that it was untrue. पत्रकारिता Ex:  At a press briefing that evening उ:   उन्होने पत्रकारिता में भी कदम रखा। पीडन यन्ट्र Ex:  His performance was classified in the press as "heroic" पीड़ित करना Ex:  The press release stated that Schumacher would continue working for Ferrari. पूँतारना Ex:  The press has repeatedly claimed that Rowling played a role in his departure पेषण यन्ट्र Ex:  1952, Teller became known in the press as the "father of the hydrogen bomb". प्रक्षोभ, प्रक्षोभण Ex:  Rather than press his case and risk further division प्रिंटिंग प्रेस Ex:  According to the British music press प्रेरित करना Ex:  These activities were accompanied by the usual full page press adverts प्रेस विज्ञप्ति Ex:  The press often asks Armstrong for his views on the future of spaceflight. प्रेस Ex:  The policy has been the subject of some controversy within the press उ:   दिल्ली प्रेस की सरिता,मुक्ता में उप संपादक हुए। प्रोत्साहित करना Ex:  In 1932, she married "Ham" Nelson, who was scrutinized by the press बज्ना Ex:  The British press offered little support to Davis बमलाना Ex:  Rwanda is attempting a free press बाध्य करना Ex:  The local press did not बिसूलना Ex:  Here, Whitman learned about the printing press and typesetting. बेताबी Ex:  This phenomenon was given the name "Finlandisation" by the German press . भार उठाना Ex:  Labor unions were eliminated and press censorship implemented. भीड भाड Ex:  The press folded in 1936. In 1935 भेँटना Ex:  Despite many warnings in the press and by health authorities मजबूर करना Ex:  She was heavily criticised in the press for not showing sportsmanship. मरेरना Ex:  The conditions of the campaign in Algeria were criticized in the French press मुद्रणालय Ex:  Speaking at a Moscow press conference उ:   १९२२ में मुद्रणालय खोला। मूढ़त्व Ex:  Shortly before a press conference on November 9 1989 रणरण Ex:  The press statement was also signed by SLM leader Mina Arko Minawi. रणरणक Ex:  A printing press विभेंटन Ex:  Attacking, strongly press विर्मदन Ex:  because of a need press विह्नलता Ex:  Bibliophily Who Date of the early days of the printing press वैक्लव Ex:  Firmly press व्यस्तता Ex:  good press उ:   कक्षा की व्यस्तता के साथ वे शोध के क्षेत्र के मार्गदर्शक भी थे। श्येनकरण Ex:  Hydraulic press, press in which pressure is produced by water संचोदन Ex:  I just for a case that press संत्वरा Ex:  In terms of Printing, he means the Party of the press arm s 'reduces to the form of composition संभ्राति Ex:  In terms of typography, for press सन्नोदन Ex:  In terms of typography, he said intransitively of the press Action on the leaves that receive the Print सांचा Ex:  It also means figuratively and familiarly Addressing someone a trait that the press and embarrasses उ:   यह सांचा कालम बनने के लिए है। हड़बड़ी Ex:  It also refers to the opinion we have of something, what we think, what we in the press हरबर Ex:  It also said that it spilled, press हरबरी Ex:  It also said the place where the press is established हलभली Ex:  It does not press हारवार Ex:  It gives release point said of a creditor who continually press the debtor हुकरकर Ex:  It is also transitive, meaning press against something that stops
As verb : अंगमर्दन Ex:  The press was prohibited from meeting the prisoners of war. आपीड़न Ex:  I saw him sitting in the press box. इस्त्री करना Ex:  I get a way through the press of people in that market. एषण Ex:  This book has been in press for a long time . घूठना Ex:  Polanski berated a crowd of journalists at a press conference घेर लेना Ex:  He censored the press दबटना Ex:  For example, C-x C-c means: while holding down the control key, press x दबाना Ex:  In addition to its press organs दबाव डालना Ex:  The press fanned the interest with a wide range of predictions धरपना Ex:  Mandela told a packed press conference in the prison's visitors room. धौँसना Ex:  Her title is often translated by the English-language press as "Crown Princess" प्रपीड़न Ex:  Some clothing is permanent press भीँचना Ex:  Most of the press information came from briefings organized by the military. रूलना Ex:  Absolutely, Slide, do not press सुपीड़न Ex:  It also means Simply press
Other : अल्मारी Ex:  We bought a lemon press from the market. इस्तरी Ex:  The minister was assailed with questions in the press conference. इस्तिरी Ex:  This guy can press 300 pounds इस्त्री Ex:  The press came out with Clinton-Lewinsky affair. उ:   वहाँ भी बोर्ड किंगफिशर पहले कमरे पर एक भाप इस्त्री सेवा है। एड लगना Ex:  Liz was impeached by the press for her views . कोठरी Ex:  The medical press has also published criticism of her छापने का यन्त्र Ex:  He contrasts this with Gutenberg's printing press तकलीफ देना Ex:  Hounded for years by the press तकाजा करना Ex:  Today, the press is one of the country's largest university presses. दवनना Ex:  In a press release publicizing the book निचोडना Ex:  It is used to express political views and depict creative images. निचोड़ना Ex:  The term Whovian is sometimes used by the press to refer to Doctor Who fans. पीड‌़ Ex:  The tifosi and the Italian press भीड करना Ex:  The press also published a book by Williams and two of Pound's prose books भीड़ Ex:  Apart from the mainstream press उ:   भीड़ में महिलाएँ और बच्‍चे भी थे। भीड़ करना Ex:  Most Senators and Representatives issued press releases hailing the ruling. मुद्रण यन्त्र Ex:  Its discoverers and the press initially called it the "tenth planet" यन्त्रालय Ex:  The American press dubbed her Muttnik as a pun on Sputnik शिकंजा Ex:  Hydraulic press machine which, using a small amount of water pumped by a pump, is used to make considerable pressure समाचारपत्र Ex:  In this sense, the past participle is used as RELEASE masculine name for a formal communication to the press by the government उ:   चौथी दुनिया एक समाचारपत्र समूह है।
Press ki paribhasha : makaan aadi men vah chhota sthaan jo chaaron or divaaron ya daravaajon aadi se ghira aur oopar se chhaaya ho dabaane, kasane ya nichodne ka yntr vah khad sndook jisamen chijen rakhane ke liye khaane ya dar bane rahate hain aur bnd karane ke liye palle hote hain vah sthaan jahaaan pustaken aadi chhaapi jaati hain shighrata ke kaaran aaturata aisi avastha jisamen kya kahana ya karana chaahie, yah na soojh pade vah kal jisase koi chij dabaayi ya kasi jaay bojh ke niche laana jisamen koi chij niche ki or das jaay athava idhar udhar hat na sake ek hi sthaan par bahut se aadamiyon ka jamaav vah sthaan jahaaan kisi prakaar ka mudraan hota ho
Usage of Press in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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