Meaning of (खँभार) khnbhara in english

As noun : concern Ex:  The third concern of the architect is aesthetics
anxiety Ex:  be in anxiety jeopardy worry Ex:  You can't worry the information out of her . solicitude solicitousness angst soreness preoccupation care Ex:  I don't care what happened . jump Ex:  Panurge's sheep, jump like Panurge's sheep, says the People who do something because they have seen done to others interest Ex:  His interest in the Maya may have been stirred even earlier than this panic Ex:  As suspicions rose to panic and collective paranoia on the Monday trepidation bewilderment jitters embarrassment Ex:  By extension, occupation Give to someone, He generate business, embarrassment angst nervousness press Ex:  The press called it a "peace ray" or death ray. flutter perplexity mystification timorousness timidity timidness tizzy disturbance Ex:  He does not know what he does or what he says said of a man who, through ignorance or some disturbance of mind, says nothing, does nothing of what he should do or say consternation discomfiture disquietude disconcertment self consciousness uncomfortableness uneasiness disconcertion labyrinth Ex:  The labyrinth of Crete Labyrinth, which, according to mythology, was built by Daedalus for King Minos discomposure scared Ex:  The thieves are scared of the police stick. apprehension Ex:  Having apprehension horror Ex:  Watching horror films gives him the thrills. dread threat Ex:  With the French threat eliminated heebie jeebies creep apprehension Ex:  Having apprehension funk Ex:  In 1982 the band released the funk album Hot Space. fright Ex:  fright threat Ex:  With the French threat eliminated phobia scare Ex:  A more recent example is the so-called Satanic ritual abuse scare of the 1980s fear Ex:  She stammered due to fear and nervousness. phobic neurosis phobic disorder fearfulness terror Ex:  "a systematic campaign of terror woe lament Ex:  More of its practitioners lament this situation than occurs with the sciences mourning Ex:  Black is associated with mourning in the West but elsewhere white may be. bereavement black Ex:  The majority of the population is of black African descent sorrow Ex:  Large, deep sorrow bitterness Ex:  It is a sort of laundry with olives to remove the bitterness
As verb : fear Ex:  She stammered due to fear and nervousness.
Other : distress
Suggested : the state of being solicitous anxiety or concern to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts fret hazard or risk of or exposure to loss, harm, death, or injury distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune to relate to be connected with be of interest or importance to affect
Exampleखँभार का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(खँभार) khnbhara can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from modification of Sanskrit and/or Hindi language by locals . Transliteration : kh.Nbhaara

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